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Naafiri Build Guide by EagleXs

Jungle Naafiri EXPERT GUIDE

Jungle Naafiri EXPERT GUIDE

Updated on July 21, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author EagleXs Build Guide By EagleXs 12,514 Views 0 Comments
12,514 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author EagleXs Naafiri Build Guide By EagleXs Updated on July 21, 2023
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Runes: Runes

Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide


By EagleXs
Champion Identity
Naafiri is very akin to Evelynn and Nocturne, in the sense that you want to all-in with your abilities, and then you have ways to trickle out the last bit of damage to finish off targets, while also being capable of jungle warfare, with Q poke and the pack being able to bully and self-peel targets.

While you don't have stealth and executes on your abilities, what you do have is a lot more utility and mobility, especially when itemizing properly and taking advantage of the pack.
Why Play Naafiri
    - Reverse Nocturne ult, allows for going for picks while protecting you from counter-ganks and traps the enemy team may try to bait you into.

    - Want to burst squishys but also want to shred through tanks stacking armor? Why not both! Naafiri's has amazing synergy with Black Cleaver and she's the best utilizer of Serylda's Grudge (aside from ezreal), while scaling insanely well with AD and utilizing ability haste very well.

    - Frustrated with getting poked down by skillshot poke champs? Look no further than the pack that will "protect the president", tanking and respawning to tank more.

    - You know everything you need to get you started and looking like a Naafiri pro because you're reading this guide <3
Itemization Synergies
It's important to know what items work on Naafiri, especially with her pack, and what items not so much:

Black Cleaver - every instance of pack attacking grants a stack! One Q will likely stack BC fully in 1s if pack is alive

Serylda's Grudge - pack attacks will reapply the slow, Q bleed will also apply slow during the bleed

crit items - pack cannot crit, so going anything crit is not strong (sorry)

"attack" or "next attack" in items - pack attacks don't count as auto attacks, you would have to aa with Naafiri herself to apply such effects, which isn't consistently safe or as reliable as other types of effects

Blade of the Ruined King - this has the same rule as "attack", so the pack won't help you stack BorK (unfortunately)

"attack speed" items - although attack speed does scale up the pack's attack speed as well (1:1 ratio), generally attack speed items' abilities and procs are on "attack" and don't synergize with the rest of Naafiri's kit that well (stridebreaker for example scales with base AD, not bonus).
I love theory crafting, have been doing it for years, and the most important part is discussing and discovering more and hearing your thoughts! If you enjoyed the guide, please upvote! And if you have a little extra time, comment your thoughts, what you liked or learned, what I may have missed! What you'd like me to add to improve the guide!

Thanks for reading to the end!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author EagleXs
EagleXs Naafiri Guide
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