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Recommended Items
Runes: Best runes 99% of games
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order skill order (always)
We Are More (PASSIVE)
Naafiri Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
if u play assassins mid u already know nothing to say legit unfair to face just farm and try to roam on cd u will achieve nothing 1v1 anyway
i put seraphine but again any shield enchanter with ms boost is really good , enable u to go for a long range engage and have survivability to let u time to unleash ur burst before they retail back
i put seraphine but again any shield enchanter with ms boost is really good , enable u to go for a long range engage and have survivability to let u time to unleash ur burst before they retail back
Champion Build Guide
Early levels u just want to farm as much as possible without taking to much poke and proc first strike with Q , naafiri early game is not really good but u can punish mistakes lvl 3 if enemy laner miss step or use important cd (ahri E, syndra E etc)
U start to become a threat while u have dirk + lvl 6 , from this point u can start to really look for a solo kill or skirmich jgl , be careful to know ur strenghts and weaknesses in 2v2 jgl/mid or 3v3 bot/mid before taking any fight and unless u have a really good oportunity / u have to save someone always value farm and xp on naafiri because u want to scale and every item / lvl is a huge spike
If u manage to be ahead 1v1 or with ur jgl u can start to perma push mid and impact map with prio. U have good mobility with E and R and can easily punish enemy bot if they push so look at wave state bot and try to punish them everytime u can. abusing bot is really op because even if u only take 1/2 summs it give room for ur botlane to play more agressive / take ressources , if u get kills its perfect and u might tilt enemy bot so they start to int etc.
If ur jgl is really good caracter early try to go for 2v2 on crab or grubs (be carefull with ur side lanes prio because if the 2v2 become 2v3 it can **** both ur game and jgl game aswell)
- U are winning and u want to snowball out of control asap. u just perma push mid unless u have free gank setup and u go help ur team, be aware of the game state and dont rush bot blindly if its not the right move. U can invade with ur jgl , u can roam to bot or top if enemy laner pushed into ur tower or just go for a dive with ur strong lane and destroy completly one of enemy lane and make someone else on ur team snwoball out of control. Naafiri is really good to dive because of R shield to tank tower + W to follow flash or dash + E to get out of tower range and dive in 2 times.
- U and ur team are loosing or slow game. In this case u want to farm as much as possible to reach ur strong state. If enemies have shutdowns try to ping ur jgl to go for it, i cant count how manytimes games was almost lost and i got 1/2 big shutdowns catching someone in side or in teamfight and legit solo handled the game after. If u cant do this or game is just giga slow keep farming and be ready to fight for objectives , if ur not ahead try to avoid at all cost to engage first , wait ur team to engage or bait spells and start doing damage then u can clean up , have R + transcendence reset and go for huge fight.
- Ur ahead and / or ur team is made to teamfight. In this case u can just run down enemy team if u know ur limits, if ur ahead u can legit one tap 2/3 ppl so even if u die ur team can take objectives / tower or cleanup remaining enemies. U can also set up flank specially for drakes / nash , enemy team will tunnel vision on urs and u have free flank on backline , u will create chaos + one shot their carries and after its gg fight is won already. At this stage of the game u have insane W range and insane damage u just have to be aware of enemies cd , which target focus and can u all in into this or this champ etc. After some practice u will know ur limits and in which case u can or not engage so practice !
-If ur behind / Ur comp is made to catch and play side. Naafiri is decent sidelaner but its not optimal to play her that way. If u have a strong sidelaner like fiora / trundle / trynda or w/e u can try to shadow him and catch offguard someone on side before objective spawn to outnumber them and win the fight even behind. If u have to side by urself try to do it with R up and avoid using ur E on wave unless u see everyone crossmap. If ur team loose a fight on drake and ur confident being 1v0 or winiing ur 1v1 u can legit R to push tower and being able to take t2 + t3 during them doing drake. if someone stronger than u come u can escape through jgl by jumping wall with ur E or press R and escape with MS steroid. worst case scenario they come as 3+ and u got caught, in this situation pray ur team do something 4v2 crossmap or else its bad , avoid this at any cost if important obejctive here before ur death timer.
- if enemy have flash try to bait him to use it before using W so u can burn his flash and kill him anyway
- NEVER press W if ur not sure u can either kill or escape after
- OP trick on nash / drake is to come close to pit and press R, it gives u on enemy jgl if he try to steal and u can either E or W depending if he have Flash / dash or no and if u kill him its free nash + tempo to use it right away , work almost everytime if u know u can kill him with ur combo and avoid 50/50, try to do it when nash is almost done (like 5/10s before end) so even if u dont kill him he have to deal with u and cant contest smite
- if u have serylda u can almost kite infinitly someone with ur q's while having sustain , play with ur range and ur e's to replace and keep kiting until u are in a spot when u can turn on them.
- obvious one but u can Q flash to surprise and take a kill easily , work aswell with E so u Q , F E Q2 and one shot someone before he cant react to it , U can also engage from INSANE distance by pressing R , run to them then F W
- In laning phase try to use ur E for 2 things at the time when possible , like push + dodge , dodge + sustain packmates , push + sustain packmates etc, keeping ur packmates is a huge deal while they are a significant part of ur damage.
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