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Ability Order
Staggering Blow (PASSIVE)
Nautilus Passive Ability
Nautilus is a awesome damage dealer while he is so tanky. Feel free too comment and give me tips.
+ Crazy CC
+ Insane ganks if your team is in
+ Safe jungle (might be a bit of a pain in the start, but after you get a hold on it, he is quite easy to handle)
+ He is HUGE
+ Insane damage if the enemy team ignores him
+ Ulti will knock everyone up if you target the champion the furthest away in a team fight
+ He is slow (really slow)
+ Cooldowns, ugh..
+ His anchor is waighing him down
+ Crazy CC
+ Insane ganks if your team is in
+ Safe jungle (might be a bit of a pain in the start, but after you get a hold on it, he is quite easy to handle)
+ He is HUGE
+ Insane damage if the enemy team ignores him
+ Ulti will knock everyone up if you target the champion the furthest away in a team fight
+ He is slow (really slow)
+ Cooldowns, ugh..
+ His anchor is waighing him down
I choose to start with
and 5x
because Nautilus is quite squishy in the start.
makes ganking so much easier, as Nautilus got a quite slow base movement.
You can replace with if you are having problems with mana. The reason i choose Rylai's is the slow, it helps so much when your or is on cooldown, and might give the possibility to get in a extra stun.
You can replace with if you are having problems with mana. The reason i choose Rylai's is the slow, it helps so much when your or is on cooldown, and might give the possibility to get in a extra stun.
Gives that extra bit of damage a AP character needs
Better survival against physical attacks
Gives you what this build is lacking, magic resist. (I prefer these over the flat ones ad you dont need much MR in lower levels)
I choose the GP10 because i like to give the kills to the carry, mid or top laner.
Better survival against physical attacks
Gives you what this build is lacking, magic resist. (I prefer these over the flat ones ad you dont need much MR in lower levels)
I choose the GP10 because i like to give the kills to the carry, mid or top laner.
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