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A masteries of course 21 points in offence for maximum dmg, then you go for some armor because Nidalee is a champion what at lvl 6 needs to go in with ult because that is her main dmg so you are really tanky then on lower lvls. Also some movement speed, you are almost unable to catch with that.
I think that it's almost standard to go bt + pd as fast as you can. Ofc you can go for infinity edge but i think that you need more survival with her because she don't make that good dmg from distance to fight agaisnt another carry what have ie atm. Actually you need to do many backdoors or sneaky dragons with her.
You start with your trap for warding the map and have some vision + free dmg and reduced armor and then if someone walk into this, even support, try to do 2-3 hits for him to loose as much hp as possible. Then you max e for extra survival for heal, then q for more dmg and kill if someone is flashing out with 200 hp or smthn like that.
Till lvl 6 you just slowly farm your lane because you are not really good to fight and so on without your ultimate. You are not safe let's say. So at first you need to take lvl 6 then you need to auto attack minions but care and creep all perfectly, and then you need to just run into jungle and kill golems or wolves, depends what you gonna play. Then you get some lvl advantages and you can kontrol the map. Ofc you can do sneaky dragons for example by jumping over wall with lee sin or someone.
Nidalee is really good ad carry, but hard to master. You need to give her a lot of time to master it as ad carry. It's not the same like Nidalee top or mid. She is totally difference, you need to be really carefull and do a lot of sneaky moves. I think that the best thing is that other players are not playing her and you can do really crazy actions and they don't really know how to do playing against you. Actually for provide that she is valuable i can say that I played her in 5v5 ranked games at 1380 elo so it's not that bad. In both games i didn't died more than 3 times and i have kda ratio in 1 match 17.0 and in second match was like 6.0 so still really good. I hope you guys enjoy it and play it asap!
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