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Ability Order
Nidalee Passive Ability
AP the best , from 6 skill (I didnt count the ulti) 5 need ap and this is the best way of playing I think.
She need high skill to hit someone with Q but really easy to block skillshots with her .
Can kill with 2 The reason why ap
Great heal and attack speed bonus with (but dont try ad I havent enjoyed it)
Can have vision all over the map with really cool
With u can easily run away or jump over trees in the jungle the second best escaping skill
No CC until
Mana costy (need mana regen runes or blue golem)
Can kill with 2 The reason why ap
Great heal and attack speed bonus with (but dont try ad I havent enjoyed it)
Can have vision all over the map with really cool
With u can easily run away or jump over trees in the jungle the second best escaping skill
No CC until
Mana costy (need mana regen runes or blue golem)
I took
Greater Seal of Replenishment
First the If you really want to hurt with spears. in late game you will have The magic resist can't be problem with this and with Sorcerer's Shoe.
Greater Seal of Replenishment U can't have always the golem and in early game you will need mana that's why I buy
Deal MORE DAMAGE HEAL MORE HP i don't wanna say more for these runes
First the If you really want to hurt with spears. in late game you will have The magic resist can't be problem with this and with Sorcerer's Shoe.
Greater Seal of Replenishment U can't have always the golem and in early game you will need mana that's why I buy
Deal MORE DAMAGE HEAL MORE HP i don't wanna say more for these runes
I go for
the perfect start aganist squishy enemies like
u can kill with 4 spear but u are with ad carry so u only need 2 usually.
After I buy to ignore 28 magic resist (8 from runes) so the enemies got close 90% damage thats so cool.
Now comes this item for mana regen Ap and CDR the best item in early.After It You need hp so buy Build Build the to
They are stacking magic resist aganist you then buy
The last one is your choice but i like Ap Great passive and little resist
Other Good Items
Good if Enemyteam has or you can just ignore the ulti damage but you can heal back your and teammates health.
Good Aganist Ap and magic resist really good plus a good aura
After I buy to ignore 28 magic resist (8 from runes) so the enemies got close 90% damage thats so cool.
Now comes this item for mana regen Ap and CDR the best item in early.After It You need hp so buy Build Build the to
They are stacking magic resist aganist you then buy
The last one is your choice but i like Ap Great passive and little resist
Other Good Items
Good if Enemyteam has or you can just ignore the ulti damage but you can heal back your and teammates health.
Good Aganist Ap and magic resist really good plus a good aura
U max first
because you are ap
and u want to take some kills.
The second because you are with ad carry u need to heal him and yourself and the best skill. good if you chase but not in range to hit with
At 4 you must pick one point on to see what happens in the brush and after you can jump over walls to see where you can and where you cant here it is:
max it last
The second because you are with ad carry u need to heal him and yourself and the best skill. good if you chase but not in range to hit with
At 4 you must pick one point on to see what happens in the brush and after you can jump over walls to see where you can and where you cant here it is:
max it last
the most common and the best summoner spell dodge ultimates like
So great Summoner Spell
Deadly aganist ad carries in late game usually ad carries in late game get back 150-200 hp per hit but 's debuff make it only to 75-100 what is really good plus the true damage I use it in early to finish champions off in late game I use it to make ad carries or to dont get back hp they are so annoying.
Other summoner Spells
The slow and the damage decrease really good easily can chase champions who are effected by it or use it on who dive he will die probably.
Wanna catch me hahahahaha so funny nice try and others
Deadly aganist ad carries in late game usually ad carries in late game get back 150-200 hp per hit but 's debuff make it only to 75-100 what is really good plus the true damage I use it in early to finish champions off in late game I use it to make ad carries or to dont get back hp they are so annoying.
Other summoner Spells
The slow and the damage decrease really good easily can chase champions who are effected by it or use it on who dive he will die probably.
Wanna catch me hahahahaha so funny nice try and others
If you are at mid you farm with auto attack until level 6 then comes the Cougar with
combo really good to kill three minions and always spam the Cougar spells to push hard to last hit with Cougar under turret (u can stock in the turret and waste one skill)
At bottom you should leave the creeps for the ad carry and harass as much as you can nidalee one of the best for this quest.
At bottom you should leave the creeps for the ad carry and harass as much as you can nidalee one of the best for this quest.
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