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nidalee needs ALOT of flat ap at the beginning, because her main damage source is the spear, thats why i choose marks with magicpene but the other runes with full flat ap. people have told me to use magic resist and armor runes when playing mid, but i personally dont need them. as long as you wont get ganked you wont die.
just climbed straigh to the top in cdreduction/ap offense tree, nothing special about these.
is a must when farming and harassing enemies with autoattacks.
I chose Runic Affinity from utility tree, but you can also go for Biscuiteer , comes usefull when enemies are squishy (teemo, veigar etc...) you can start your game by buying Amplifying Tome and Health Potion + the biscuit, after that you can rush straight to Mejai's Soulstealer and start roaming for the squishy ones
I chose Runic Affinity from utility tree, but you can also go for Biscuiteer , comes usefull when enemies are squishy (teemo, veigar etc...) you can start your game by buying Amplifying Tome and Health Potion + the biscuit, after that you can rush straight to Mejai's Soulstealer and start roaming for the squishy ones
JUST AP nothing else, you are not the one in middle of teamfights, you are the one who outplays their carries from a long distance and give heal + attack speed with Primal Surge to your teammates. I usually rush for Zhonya's Hourglass asap if i feel like they are focusing me down.
Javelin Toss Javelin Toss Javelin Toss Javelin Toss Javelin Toss something like that
I myself use technique of throwing the javeling always to any side of the champion, never straight to it. Thats because usually when they see a spear coming they'll automaticly try to dodge it to one side or another, wich is actually the place i have aimed it already
Bushwhack great skill for warding your enviroment
Primal Surge awesome skill, keeps you alive and can turn the fight over. Also good when nuking tower down, use it for yourself or your ad carry.
Pounce Swipe Takedown also awesome skills!
use these when youre face to face with enemy champion on a close range, you'll deal tons of damage, switch trough forms using heal and spear and going back to cougar Swipe takes 60% of ap so that's probably your main damage source
I myself use technique of throwing the javeling always to any side of the champion, never straight to it. Thats because usually when they see a spear coming they'll automaticly try to dodge it to one side or another, wich is actually the place i have aimed it already
Bushwhack great skill for warding your enviroment
Primal Surge awesome skill, keeps you alive and can turn the fight over. Also good when nuking tower down, use it for yourself or your ad carry.
Pounce Swipe Takedown also awesome skills!
use these when youre face to face with enemy champion on a close range, you'll deal tons of damage, switch trough forms using heal and spear and going back to cougar Swipe takes 60% of ap so that's probably your main damage source
- unbelievable damage
- great farmer
- great mobility ( Pounce + Prowl )
- A saving angel to teammates with Primal Surge
- extremely fun to play
- squishy
- Javelin Toss cooldown feels like hours when its your only ranged damage source
- unbelievable damage
- great farmer
- great mobility ( Pounce + Prowl )
- A saving angel to teammates with Primal Surge
- extremely fun to play
- squishy
- Javelin Toss cooldown feels like hours when its your only ranged damage source
Nidalee's most important job is to take the squishy ones out (ad/ap carries) and help out with her own teammates carries by giving them attack speed and health with Primal Surge . Also warding with Bushwhack is really important, especially the spots like, buffs, dragon, nashor and your own bushes during laning phase so that you wont get ganked.
Pounce Swipe Takedown your main farming skills, it takes 4 seconds for nidalee to clear a full minion wave. and it comes even easier during the game cause Swipe takes 60% of your ap.
Primal Surge + Spellsword also good combo before getting cougar form
Primal Surge + Spellsword also good combo before getting cougar form
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