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Nunu & Willump Build Guide by Spiritsticks

Tank Nunu the Jungle Tank

Tank Nunu the Jungle Tank

Updated on February 16, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Spiritsticks Build Guide By Spiritsticks 2,589 Views 0 Comments
2,589 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Spiritsticks Nunu & Willump Build Guide By Spiritsticks Updated on February 16, 2015
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Hi,everybody, and welcome to my first guide. I'm gonna walk you through my favourite jungle tank, Nunu! I don't see Nunu being played that often, but like Poppy, he is a surprising jungler.
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As far as items go, you start with the basic jungling kit, which is Hunter's Machete, 2 Health Potions and any trinket. You want to build the machete into a Ranger's Trailblazer, for the faster clears, and you want to rush that into a Devourer's. Nunu is good with Mobility Boots, and I choose either Aclarity if my team is winning, or Homeguards if not. Your 3rd or 4th item should be Thornmail, because Nunu tends to gank better against melee champions. I also recommend Ravenous Hydra for faster clears and more sustain. A decent 5th item is the Guardian's Angel, if you are being a main player and initiator in team fights, although sometimes a Zz'Rot Portal can be useful if you want to help push towers. The final item I built was a Maw of Malmortius, for the magic resist and a final bit of damage. You may notice that I didn't use any AP items, and that's because Nunu's abilities are mainly ways of helping him catch up with enemy champions or escape. His abilities aren't his main damage dealers, except from Absolute Zero.
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I use a pretty standard 21/9/0 for Nunu jungle, although I know in some cases a tankier set is required.
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Skill Sequence

Skill sequence is basic as hell. I put a point into my Consume at lv.1, a point in my E at lv.2, Consume again at lv.3 and Blood Boil at lv.4. After that, I put a point in my Q whenever possible, and I level up my ultimate at lv.6,11 and 16. The reason I max my Consume first is that by lv.5, Nunu can take on camps without smite, and his Q is the reaosn for this, I do put a point into my E at lv.8, mainly because by lv.8 is when you can start pulling of some serious ganks.
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Creeping / Jungling

Nunu can jungle without a leash really easily with Consume, but a leash will allow for even longer sustain. Start with a Blue Buff, not only for the mana regen, but because of Nunu's buff for using Consume on an elemental. Rushing a Ranger's Trailblazer with Devourer's allows for faster clears and extra damage. Once you've built a Ravenous Hydra, you can solo Dragon, so try to have a Hydra by lv.10. Never sell your jungling item, because Devourer's allows Nunu to take advantage of enemies with low magic resist.
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Team Work

In team fights, Nunu can do one of two things. He can either stand towards the back of the team fight, slowing enemies and using Blood Boil on allies. Or he can initiate and then run out, then join back in with the Devourer's and Hydra helping him deal a lot of damage, and he can use his utimate to finish of a large group of enemies. Also, Nunu's ganks rely on having an ally, generally the one in lane, to take advantage of the slows.
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Pros / Cons

Pros: Tanky and fast, so good ganks; high sustain in and out of jungle; can solo all jungle monsters except Baron
Cons: Has a problem against enemies with a more powerful slow; requires a good item or level lead for good ganks and counterganks; most effective items are very expensive.
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So, a quick summary: Sustain as much as possible; use Devourer's as much as possible; armour up as much as possible; and remember, YOU ARE THE TANK. NO MATTER WHAT, YOU ARE THE TANK.
I would also like to thank you for reading my guide, and to comment any improvements and help, because this is my first guide, so I'm not quite sure about everything.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Spiritsticks
Spiritsticks Nunu & Willump Guide
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Nunu the Jungle Tank

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