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Heimerdinger Build Guide by Ashmon16

One very cool heimerdinger

One very cool heimerdinger

Updated on September 5, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ashmon16 Build Guide By Ashmon16 2,312 Views 0 Comments
2,312 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ashmon16 Heimerdinger Build Guide By Ashmon16 Updated on September 5, 2015
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Just some notes

This is how i build heimidinger before i noticed all the new items (the ones that are/was not on here at the time i wrote this) but i am looking for some feedback if possible, but as it stands,

one can dish out 1000-1700 on his rockets while using upgrade with these items. then use the stun granade while you wait for the next lot of rockets to cooldown and unleash another 700-800. wipes most champs off the map. unless there tanky,

the only issue i find is champs that can get in then get out while dealing a lot of damage themselves and the only defence against those is good placement of heim.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ashmon16
Ashmon16 Heimerdinger Guide
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