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Ryze Build Guide by DrawersBrain

Oneshot Ryze by DrawersBrain

Oneshot Ryze by DrawersBrain

Updated on August 2, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DrawersBrain Build Guide By DrawersBrain 16,160 Views 0 Comments
16,160 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DrawersBrain Ryze Build Guide By DrawersBrain Updated on August 2, 2016
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Oneshot you enemies with this build.

As for gameplay always start trades with Q since ure other spells resets the CD on Q.

-For longer trades or vs Ap-Resi stacking champs do Q-E-W-Q...
This combination shields you while caging the enemy and allowing you to reposition.
(Perfect vs gap-closer jungler like Trynda,Voli,shivana)

-For trades with ADCs or the "usual midlaner" go with Q-E-Q-W-Q-E...
This will do an insane amount of damage and should be enough to oneshot every midlane.
(Works vs every nontank target like Support or some junglers)

Items are quite simple,

1.Start with archangels to prevent your mana problems and then rush RoA.

2.Continue either with CD or MP boots and then Morellonomicon.

3.Now its time for the burner, build Rabadons!

4.The last item is up to you, I prefer ludens or Abyssal depending on the enemie Team.
Zhonyas just in rare cases if you want to tryhard. Build it early after RoA and go
splitpush like a trynda (youre literally the AP Trynda), if they collapse on to you
simply ult and instant activate Zhonyas to prevent any interruptions.

This Guide was made by DrawersBrain
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DrawersBrain
DrawersBrain Ryze Guide
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