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Pantheon Build Guide by KenionAsdf

AD Offtank Pantheon Jungle S5 - Make fear your enemies with the baker!

AD Offtank Pantheon Jungle S5 - Make fear your enemies with the baker!

Updated on January 19, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KenionAsdf Build Guide By KenionAsdf 2,317 Views 0 Comments
2,317 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author KenionAsdf Pantheon Build Guide By KenionAsdf Updated on January 19, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
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Pros / Cons


- Good at early and mid and decent at late.
- Ultimate which allow you go faster around the map.
- He have very strong Q at early, and strong Q and E at mid.
- Good farming and he didn't lose hp in the new jungle.
- He have a decent counter jungle at lvl 3.
- He is one of the fastest champs.
- Good Snowball.
- Big kill potentials thanks his E.
- Easy to use, except his ultimate.


- Before buying armor, he is so squishy.
- Easy to dodge his ultimate.
- Not much escape, he only have his ultimate.
- He need blue if you want gank too much.
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Skill Sequence

If you're new playing pantheon you can R > Q > E > W.

But I usually pref put 3 points in Q and after maximize E.
When you have your E maximized you can finish with Q and after maximize your W.
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In team fights you can do 2 roles:

- Protect your AD carry stunning and killing who try to kill him.
- Kill enemy AD carry. In late game you can kill him with your combo.
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Thanks for reading!

Sorry for my bad English. But I hope you understood my guide.

Any question in the discussion.

Thank you!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KenionAsdf
KenionAsdf Pantheon Guide
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Pantheon Jungle S5 - Make fear your enemies with the baker!

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