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Pantheon Build Guide by Time1Save

Top Pantheon Toplane build

Top Pantheon Toplane build

Updated on November 28, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Time1Save Build Guide By Time1Save 18,007 Views 2 Comments
18,007 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Time1Save Pantheon Build Guide By Time1Save Updated on November 28, 2020
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Runes: U have easy lane

1 2 3
Legend: Tenacity
Cut Down

Manaflow Band

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Playble lane
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Pantheon Toplane build

By Time1Save
Basis of bases
Thanks to your strong early stage, you should always have an advantage of 4 kills and 20-40 minions. Your team should always have the Herald. The longer the game goes on, the less useful you are. You must focus your opponents ' attention on you, Trying to kill their carry, allowing your team to deal damage.
On the line, against all opponents, you must Harass the opponent, or conduct short trades without taking damage. Most likely, after 2 trades, you have the opportunity to kill your opponent, act After 6, always help your team, because if only you have an advantage, you must give it to your team. Pantheon is not the champion who goes to 5 opponents and makes a Pentakill. No, if your team loses, try to use your advantage to prolong the game so that your allies buy their main items. You are not a broken hero, you don't have the ability to win 1 V 9, you need a team.
I will not argue that in a normal situation, you just get free kills and destroy your opponent. Still, the strength of a champion may not be enough. even the Pantheon can lose its line. The most important thing is not to despair at such moments. All you need is to play with your team , at the moment, you can be useful in any teamfight. Just try to get your R into the opponent's carry and kill them before the opponents kill you. Even if you did not manage to kill your opponent, most likely half of the fight is already done, because the enemy team gives you their resources, and they will not have so much against the 4 remaining allies.
If you have an advantage, but your teamfights are weaker than those of your opponents, focus on splitpush . To purchase a sunderer and before important object of the pushta so that would be able to fly in a team fight . If no one stops you at the moment of splitpush, tell your team to distract the opposing team, but without giving up the object itself( if possible) and not running into a fight 4 v 5.
You need to understand how it works, if you are the strongest on the map in a duel, then the opponents either have to hold you back together( thus giving the object) or give you a 5v4-3 fight because of your ultimate, or give you the opportunity to demolish their base. Simple enough, isn't it?
Your base combo and kite
This part is a tip for the initial stage of the game.
Pantheon is incredibly strong the first 15 minutes of the game, you should always have the advantage, but how do you get it?
first of all, your Q is a great opportunity to constantly cause damage to the enemy, but do not do it thoughtlessly, hit the enemy only with enhanced Y, while trying not to intimidate the wave After getting 3 LVL , you become a monster that can kill both jungle and Lainer. In fact, this is one of the opportunities to understand how good you are at this champion, because it should be everyday for you to win 1V2. Remember, your Q is an AOE skill, to do the maximum possible damage, you must hit several targets with it.
It is also worth noting that most players use a combination of 5 stacks W+AA+E+Q+AA. It is really good, but you should also use 3 stack, W+AA+Q+AA do not immediately use your E, leave it in case of burst damage.
You must understand that one of the most important skills of the Pantheon is its kite, step back and give Q, and repeat this as long as you can, and only after that you can press W in the enemy
Future updates
I only recently appeared on this site, and after reading a lot of guides, I realized how bad my own looks. And as a Pantheon OTP, after the 10.25 update, I will make an incredibly detailed guide, so people will be interested in my favorite champion, and will definitely try to play on it. There are an incredible variety of tips and tricks. Each champion has its own characteristics. And with my example, I want to show you how to be a monster in teamfights, and prove that the Pantheon scales in Late-game. In next update i give some example of match-ups on video with subs.
And I also want to apologize for this quality of my guide. I promise that I will become better at this business, and everyone will be interested to read this guide)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Time1Save
Time1Save Pantheon Guide
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Pantheon Toplane build

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