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Soraka Build Guide by mrakkk

Support Psuedo-Support Soraka

Support Psuedo-Support Soraka

Updated on April 26, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mrakkk Build Guide By mrakkk 818 Views 0 Comments
818 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author mrakkk Soraka Build Guide By mrakkk Updated on April 26, 2021
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Champion Build Guide

Psuedo-Support Soraka

By mrakkk
Reasons for the items
Alright, I only advise taking Impdate if you have a teammate that can profit well off it. Otherwise, Liandry's goes so hard on Soraka. Max health AP? Done. A possibly free 18% free AP bonus? done. Luden's is for virgins, real men drop Liandry's and run the **** out once the combo lands.

Archangel's- the 2% AP bonus is pretty sweet, a nice adaptive cherry on top that makes further items even better. Upgrade it ONLY if you feel like you will be fed further. Otherwise, head straight to the next 3.

Rylai's- Hell yeah. Makes the combo even easier to land, a pretty much guranteed 2 second slow if you land both abilities, then keep em' there with autos/more artillery stars.

Cosmic- Gotta go fast.

Demonic- More max health damage if you know you won't engage often, but can poke well.

Boots- **** it, go mobilities if you know you are roaming alot/well.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mrakkk
mrakkk Soraka Guide
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