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Blitzcrank Build Guide by donedinner

Support Pull in some Ardent Supports! (Season 8)

Support Pull in some Ardent Supports! (Season 8)

Updated on March 19, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author donedinner Build Guide By donedinner 11,303 Views 0 Comments
11,303 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author donedinner Blitzcrank Build Guide By donedinner Updated on March 19, 2018
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From one blitz player to another.

If you can hit hooks, you can almost win any match-up if your adc follows. Against a tank support with cc, attempt to only hook the enemy adc. Your best bet is to pick him when you see any of the ardent sensor supports picked as you can dominate the lane. I personally always rush my boots so it is easier to hit your hooks. Enjoy blitz as he is a very fun champion! This was my first guide, thanks for checking it out!
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Why I choose a coin start over a relic shield start.

The main reason why I do this is because when the coin is completely upgraded, I find it more useful in that the extra movement speed will allow you to catch up to the opponent to hit that nasty hook! It also allows for mana back which is quite a key part because the hooks use up a lot of mana.
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Why to never first pick blitz.

Blitz is one of the easiest supports to counter pick, if blitz is picked first or before the enemy support is chosen. They will likely pick one of the following supports: Leona, Nautilus, Morgana or Alistar. If you end up just getting a strong urge of wanting to play blitz and you are first pick, don't worry, you can still choose him but be prepared to face one of the tank giants.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author donedinner
donedinner Blitzcrank Guide
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Pull in some Ardent Supports! (Season 8)

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