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Fuck this bitch, her spellshield spells it out for you. You wont be able to hit a hook considering it shows them when you are preparing it for them. And even if she has her spellshield down and you get a chance to hook she can just Root you for 20 min so like GG ez
her healing is annoying for trying to execute with your ult but basically she has like 2 max health so she gets one shot
this guys kinda weird. His hook is deadly for both you and your adc. but since he has no real threat against you specifically he should be easy to defeat if you dont get hit by hooks
her healing is a lot more annoying than soraka's but unlike soraka she only has one cc which makes her an easier laner in the battle sense
Braum is good in the sense that pykes hook is one of the only CC that can break through his E shield but his tankyness is annoying
Fuck this bitch. He can just burst you if you get hit by his knockup from across the map so you basically cant do much considering his great range and true dmg. but hes not extreme because if you hook him and cc chain him he will be the one being bursted
This guy is kinda tanky but not too much so he isnt much to worry about but his stun can fuck you up at close range if followed up correctly
Yuumi's healing is by far the most frustrating of the enchanters. She also is a fucking yuumi so you cant hit a hook on her unless shes alone or goes for an auto to proc spellthiefs
OH GOD NO!. Zyras poke and DOT is too much for pyke to handle with his passive alone and if you get cc chained by her you cant do much but use Phantom Undertow to go from one side of her ult to the other but either way you die. And if she builds remotely any max health you will have an even harder time assasinating her
Yeah good luck. shes tanky and has a hook that passes through minions. so your only real chance in this matchup is to catch her lacking early
Rakan has the power to cc you and dip which is real annoying because pyke cant just waist his cc to escape cc. Hes not too tanky but his minor healing and passive shield make you want to cry alot
He make you go him so press E and auto win fight
Lux is even in the sense that she can be a tough matchup if she builds correctly and hits her skills. But she is also extremely squishy so just exploit that
This bitch has a bigger range that vel. so good luck playing laning phase. but hes also like vel in the sense that if you land a hook he dies but last time i checked pyke hook dosent reach to the enemy base
her healing is tedious but she has .0000000001 max health and no chance of dodging a good pyke players hook
she presses W....
You Are Now Small!
You Are Now GrayScaling
I mean yeah she has point and click cc but like again with the enchanters what max health exists?
This broke, if you can land a hook for her she will run them down and since her autos slow it should be a simple secure with your ult
Hes a late game scaling AD what more do you want to know?
Yeah make your AD pick this guy into ashe,jhin, or cait. Because he can easily hit cc for you to follow up on and the other way around. It also balances damage ratios
Same thing as swain
ok ok ok ok ok this is nothing against the champ like she is perfect with pyke, but every single fucking Cait player is a fucking Chimpanzee
Big Drae is good because his early damage is nothing to laugh at just like yours. but the only real downside is that he has no had cc of his own for you to follow up on
Its good and all, but jhins follow up cc is kinda weird because he might try to time it with your hook and hit 2000 degrees to the opposite derection
Mmm Monke
This broke, if you can land a hook for her she will run them down and since her autos slow it should be a simple secure with your ult
Hes a late game scaling AD what more do you want to know?
Yeah make your AD pick this guy into ashe,jhin, or cait. Because he can easily hit cc for you to follow up on and the other way around. It also balances damage ratios
Same thing as swain
ok ok ok ok ok this is nothing against the champ like she is perfect with pyke, but every single fucking Cait player is a fucking Chimpanzee
Big Drae is good because his early damage is nothing to laugh at just like yours. but the only real downside is that he has no had cc of his own for you to follow up on
Its good and all, but jhins follow up cc is kinda weird because he might try to time it with your hook and hit 2000 degrees to the opposite derection
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