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Pyke Build Guide by drowsyks

Top Pyke tank

Top Pyke tank

Updated on November 14, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author drowsyks Build Guide By drowsyks 31 15 68,691 Views 1 Comments
31 15 68,691 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author drowsyks Pyke Build Guide By drowsyks Updated on November 14, 2021
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Shield Bash

Nullifying Orb
Gathering Storm

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Champion Build Guide

Pyke tank

By drowsyks
here we want the most shield and resistance we can.
eclipse do dps depending on the target of heal with a passive that gives armor penetration then you will always have good degree dps (especially against tanks ) in addition to adding a bit of leta, very good for the beginning of game. And a shield (core off the build) depending on the AD also OP on this build.
Death dance gives you amure, a shield and allows you to delay some of the degat. What more to ask.
For the boots, like always, depending off the ennemy team (magic resist in general).
spirit face gives you the RM you need and its passive, +5% all heal and SHIELD.
The sterak will give you a super shield, but with the passive pyke, it will only give you offensive stats... So I advise him to do it in the last item.
Stone plate give you the armor and magique resist you need and a littel shield more.
Here after shock gives you the resistances you lack. The bach shield gives you dps when you receive a shield (base of the build) at each shield (so all the time). Second wind gives you extra care or opt for conditioning. Revitalize here boost all care and SHIELD , OP with this build . The obe will give you an additional shield with an ad... (optimize the passive) ratio as a bonus. For the last rune and second rune, play at your leisure/ opposing composition.(personally I chose the tempete to oat a late of fools with the orb that has a ratio ad)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author drowsyks
drowsyks Pyke Guide
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Pyke tank

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