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Gragas Build Guide by soMellow

Quick Ap Carry Guide (Early AutoAttacks) *Unique*

Quick Ap Carry Guide (Early AutoAttacks) *Unique*

Updated on August 11, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author soMellow Build Guide By soMellow 1,587 Views 0 Comments
1,587 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author soMellow Gragas Build Guide By soMellow Updated on August 11, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Chapter 1

Playing Gragas with this Setup.

(First guide sorry if theres mistakes)

With this specific setup i like to during the early and mid game charge at my enemy with Body Slam while my W is active and auto attack once throw a barrel explode it instantly and auto attack some more if they decide to stay instead of running, be careful of which champions you do this too but you can do it to almost anyone as long as you watch their cooldowns. Its a dominate early game setup that can scale into late game perfectly well like any other build. Ignite just adds that extra damage to end the harass you are going to be dishing out.

Champion Pros
- Heavy aoe damage
- Great range good for poke
- He is clearly the best looking champion in the game
- Easy to get into
- Changes team fights with ultimate
- Hard to beat in lane
- Light sustain

Champion Cons
- Squishy if caught
- Damage can be dodged
- Skillshot champion
- Ultimate can go badly for new players
- Melee attack range
- No hard CC

Note: Getting camped by the jungler makes this extremely difficult to pull off so warding wraiths or river entrance points every now and again isn't a bad option.

Rune Stats

Ability power:
+9.9 Flat
+22 Ability Power at level 18

Armour Pen:

Magic Pen:
+8.5 (Which in game is rounded to 9)


As stated above i use this specific build because the early W auto attacks that are setup by body slam are in my opinion extremely strong. (Works Semi-Good in the mid game aslong as you're in a good position to do so)Because of the 9 Magic pen and alot of ability power i don't lose any late game damage at all. (Well maybe about 20 with my previous build)

Ability Choice:

Q: I max Q for obvious reasons, main damage output, farming, harassing.
W: I max this second because of the extra attack damage for my auto attacks but you don't have to max it second if you don't want too its completely optional.
E: I max this last because i only need it for the slow, escape and gap closer but you can max it second if you choose to, its optional if you want just that much more "AP" burst early game.
R: Max as soon as possible for even more obvious reasons its extraordinary :)

Item Choice

Start: Boots - 3 Pots (My Standard)

Core: Dorans - Sorc Shoes - Deathcap - Abys Scepter (Now you can choose to get Abys Scepter first if you are in danger of heavy magic damage also multiple dorans is optional)

Full Item Build: Deathfire - Sorc Shoes - Deathcap - Abys Scepter - Void Staff - Zhonyas

I normally get Deathfire before or after void staff depending on what i feel like and also if the enemy team isn't building that much magic resist a Crystal Scepter is a good replacement for Void Staff or you can get creative. Don't forget your elixirs.


(The following is in my experience only)

Does well vs:

Does badly vs:
Ahri (In some cases she can beat you as well)

(This are to just name a few)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author soMellow
soMellow Gragas Guide
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