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Rakan Build Guide by cookie542

Support Rakan Guide WIP

Support Rakan Guide WIP

Updated on April 26, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author cookie542 Build Guide By cookie542 2,862 Views 0 Comments
2,862 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author cookie542 Rakan Build Guide By cookie542 Updated on April 26, 2017
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Fun Fact: I'm Bronze V, I know what I am doing. Master ranked people; they wish they could be like me.

For many of you, you might think this guide is Flash - Heal/Exhaust, you've been mistaken friend. Flash is such a meta skill. With heal and exhaust, you could not only heal your allies and give them a movement speed buff, but you'll also be able to protect them from incoming damage. If that doesn't say full support, then I don't know what will.

You don't have to take this guide seriously nor take it into a game, but this is just what I do and what I prefer.
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Passive: Fey Feathers

Rakan's passive allows him to periodically generate a shield on himself.
Cooldown: Level 1 | 40 seconds -> Level 17 | 16 seconds
Cooldown: 40 - ((3(x-1))/2)
x = current level
Every 2 levels, the cooldown is reduced, if you do this for even levels, the cooldown will be the cooldown for the previous odd number.
2 -> 1 | 4 -> 3 | 6 -> 5 | ect...

Level 5: 40 - ((3(x-1))/2)
40 - ((3(5-1))/2) = 40 - ((3(4))/2) = 40 - (12/2) = 40 - 6 = 34

Level 1 | 33 + 0.9a -> Level 18 | 254 + (0.9a)
The shield value is, (20 + (13x)) + (0.90a)
x = current level & a = current ability power

Q: Gleaming Quill

Gleaming Quill is a linear skill shot that stops at the the first target hit, dealing damage and allowing Rakan to have a small timed AoE heal.

Damage: 70/115/160/205/250 + (0.5a)

Heal: Level 1 | 23 + (0.7a) -> Level 18 | 150 + (0.7a)
23 + 7 + 8 + 7 + 8...... + (0.7a)
+7 on the heal every odd level | +8 on the heal every even level

(23 + ((7x)/2) + (8(x-1)/2) - 4) + (0.7a)| Rounded Up

W: Grand Entrance

Grand Entrance is a small circle ground target AoE jump, that deals AoE damage to all enemies and knocks them up after a small delay.

Damage: 70/110/150/190/230 + (0.5a)

E: Battle Dance

Battle Dance is a single target for ally champions, that allows Rakan to jump to them while also giving them a shield.

Shield Potency: 50/85/120/155/190 + (0.8a)

R: The Quickness

The Quickness allows Rakan to boost himself, dealing damage to all enemy champions he touches and charms them.

Damage: 100/200/300 + (0.5a)
Charm Duration: 1/1.25/1.5
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I plan on adding a section for spells, with cooldown duration and mana costs, along with a better description of them and how they're used. Chapter 2 is just focusing on damage and level scaling things, rather than what they do.

Will do everything else soon, please enjoy this and leave me with any messages and/or any concerns.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author cookie542
cookie542 Rakan Guide
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Rakan Guide WIP

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