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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Challenging Smite
Chilling Smite
Ability Order
Threats & Synergies
Beats you early, beats you mid game, you win late. This champion can invade you early on and really punish elise lvl 1 and 2. at level 6 you stand no chance against him. Nimbus cloak is good against olaf to run away from him.
Champion Build Guide
GAnk combo 1: Human E > Human W > Human Q > Spider Form R > Auto once > Reset auto with Spider W > Spider Q
Gank combo 2: Spider E > Human form R > Human E > Human W >Human Q
Hiding in bush Combo : Human W > Human Q > Human E > Spider R > Auto attack > Reset auto Spider W > Spider Q
WIth elise you don't just want to do regular ganks, you want to dive the enemy at their tower and rappel out! This is what makes the champion a great early game champion. If you aren't diving, you are not playing elise right.
Other quick tips is using your spiders to do Dragons and jungle camps. Let them tank the damage and you will be healthy while soloing objectives!
After that go sorc boots almost ALWAYS unless they are all ad.
If they have magic resist, instead go haunting guise into liandrys.
Then I go zhonyas in most cases 3rd item unless they have lots of ap threats, then you can go banshees.
If they have lots of magic resist go 4th item Void Staff, if not, go Rabadons.
1. walk up in human form and land cacoon (most cases)
2. Spider form rappel towards them and switch to human form then cacoon. (Uses your safety ability [rappel] as an engage, so make sure when doing this you are sure the enemy will die)
Be sure to be patient with cacoon and know if they have their mobility spells up.
Anyways, if you are ahead, invade the enemy jungle and one shot him OR just keep diving enemy champions, you won't even have to land your stun because of your damage.
Other things I do later into the game is just hide in the enemy jungle bush and one shot whoever comes by, usually when objectives are coming up or enemy red/blue buff.
So basically, when behind get those core items, and then look for picks or flash cacoon on a squishy target!
If you want fancy animations you can go super galaxy elise (my third option if anything), but I only go death blossom.
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