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Yone Build Guide by Saitamaro

Top Rank 1 Global Yone Guide // Saitamaro // The Yone Bible

Top Rank 1 Global Yone Guide // Saitamaro // The Yone Bible

Updated on September 6, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Saitamaro Build Guide By Saitamaro 170 16 371,765 Views 22 Comments
170 16 371,765 Views 22 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Saitamaro Yone Build Guide By Saitamaro Updated on September 6, 2024
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Runes: Fleet / Most consistent generally

1 2 3
Fleet Footwork
Absorb Life
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Second Wind

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3 4
Standart Summoners Top/Mid
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Rank 1 Global Yone Guide // Saitamaro // The Yone Bible

By Saitamaro
Im Saitamaro and Ive been playing League of Legends since Season 3 but just got lvl 30 in Preseason 5, so Ive been playing ranked since Season 5, Ive hit Master Rank for the first time in Season 9 and I also hit Grandmaster at 65% winrate this year, could have done Challenger but I stopped playing on that Account

My main is in EUW which is simply named Saitamaro and Ive hit Rank 1 global Yone on my Smurf Saitamaro Int Acc

This guide is for anyone who wants to play Yone and learn how to get good at him, its not targeted at any specific Elo, so no matter what your Rank is, if you want to learn how to play Yone, I can probably help you

If you have any questions or you're interested in champion guides and want to have access to very exclusive itembuilds and strats, you can join my Discord Server

We also made our own Match ups Bot that looks like this

We also have benchmarks for different items / builds / statistics for Yone which can be looked up on our Discord aswell so make sure to join

Pros and Cons


+ Outplay potential
+ High DPS and Burst
+ Versatile Builds
+ Rewards Micro Skill
+ Can Win any match up if played well
+ Punishes mistakes heavily
+ Very good at snowballing a game


- Wont have frontline on Top Lane
- Ult is slow and easy to dodge
- Hard to Master
- Doesnt scale too well, relies on snowball
- Volatile laner
Early Game [Mid]

Rewriting this section soon

Into ranged match ups you'll always take Dorans Shield and try to space as many attacks and spells as possible by walking in and out of their attack / spell range constantly, after they wasted a spell, you'll walk up and cs or punish your laner, dont be scared to trade HP for their mana because if you properly use fleet + dshield + absorb life + second wind, you'll have a billion more healing than they have mana regeneration, so you can force them oom by outsustaining them

Try to have prio at all times to be able to help your jungler whenever he needs it, if you cant get prio in lanes like Akshan, you'll just try to survive and lose as little health as possible to eventually all in them after they make a mistake or to kill them with your jungler

Against melee champions you can always take Dorans Blade and play rather aggressively

Always look to ward the enemy jungle and try to hug the side of the jungle that is closer to your jungler because most likely the enemy jungler is on the opposite site of the map, this makes it harder for them to gank you and your jungler can move quicker towards you
Mid Game [Mid]

Rewriting this section soon

In the mid game you'll most likely swap with your bot lane, your goal is to side lane but not to primarily splitpush, your goal is to fix waves on the side lane by pushing the wave into the enemy tower and then you can look to join your team or flank for a teamfight, by shoving the wave into the enemy tower, you'll cause it to rebounce towards you and also kill your own minions, so you deny gold and exp for the enemy team and generate more gold and exp for your own team

But always move when it looks like a fight is about to break out, because you dont want to be sitting afk on side or splitpushing as a mid laner, thats why you usually play on the sidelane that is on the side of the current objective, unlike a top laner who wants to be on the opposite site of the objective
Late Game [Mid]

Rewriting this section soon

In the late game you'll do something similar to mid game but your goal in general is to get Baron somehow and end the game off of it

You can engage for your Team with R and Q3 but make sure to not do a bad engage, because they cant just E2 out of the fight like you can

You can also play like an assassin and sit off vision in bushes to catch someone, because Yone is designed as an Assassin aswell
Skin Tier List

S Tier

A Tier

B Tier

C Tier

Additional Tips

You should use ur E on the lane like this to be safe after hitting the turret for platings, that way you can backport efficiently while not giving up on Platings

Once you have a lead and you push the waves for tempo, theres no reason to stay on lane, just check the Enemy Jgl to either get their camps or kill them or even kill them + take the camps
You can use your Q on the wave like this to kind of "animation cancel" your R, they will much less expect it if you connect your R instantly after using Q on wave like that

Patience is key, dont overforce anything, dont try too hard to kill someone in one rotation, take your time, stay chill and you will die much less while also killing your oponnent much more often, if I wasnt so calm in the clip above, I might have died or not gotten the kill

You can "surprise" your oponnent by killing the last minion for lvl 6 into instantly skilling R to kill them by surprise like this
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Saitamaro
Saitamaro Yone Guide
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Rank 1 Global Yone Guide // Saitamaro // The Yone Bible

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