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Rek'Sai Build Guide by darkmage1000

Other rek sai top lane queen

Other rek sai top lane queen

Updated on December 16, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author darkmage1000 Build Guide By darkmage1000 5,241 Views 0 Comments
5,241 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author darkmage1000 Rek'Sai Build Guide By darkmage1000 Updated on December 16, 2014
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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im a gold v top laner and jungler main

rek sai is a amazing top laner. i have a lot of fun playing her top and jungle. i main teemo top i know i'm a scrub haha. i hope you learn from my most likely awful guide.
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i haven't lost a lane yet but had some trouble with a few.she is ungankable while burrowed due to being able to sense even twitches and evelyn's. if you sense them or ward shows them coming just tunnel away. rek sai has amazing early game damage and at lvl 3 can 1v1 most tops. rek sai has a free tele anywhere she burrows so place them in your jungle and around your tower if needing to play safe. always place a tunnel for when you are going back. if you bring tele you can put a tunnel at top and tele to a ward at drag secure it with your team then ult back to top. try and bait people with your tunnels most people want to destroy them quickly use them to reengage on easy fights. she is easy to farm under tower with due to her aoe q and with full fury true dmg e. she can zone very easily which is nice especially against nasus.
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pros/ cons

free tele
good finish with burrowed q and ignite
good aoe dmg
scaling true damage
good sustain with burrow regen
doesn't use mana so can spam
strong independent female

weak to cc
doesn't have much cc outside of knockup
kind of dependent on initial burst
tunnels can easily be destroyed
long cooldown on you tunnel making (e while burrowed)
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end so far

this is my first guide and looking to make it prettier and better as i go but for now that is it.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author darkmage1000
darkmage1000 Rek'Sai Guide
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rek sai top lane queen

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