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Rengar Build Guide by Miff Oh Man

AD Offtank Rengar Oh Man style

AD Offtank Rengar Oh Man style

Updated on April 20, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Miff Oh Man Build Guide By Miff Oh Man 1,119 Views 0 Comments
1,119 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Miff Oh Man Rengar Build Guide By Miff Oh Man Updated on April 20, 2013
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First of all start off with a smiteless blue & 4 or 5 ferocity then sneak into enemy jungle and hide in the bushes around their red & wait for enemy jungler to come. Let him tank the Lizard if he's too healthy and then just ambush him with double Q and he's dead + you get their red, always worked for me so far. If he doesn't appear and ganks after his blue instead, take the red and/or just go top/bot (depending on what side of the map you are) and gank. Works most of the time. :)
Focusing on really early kills which makes Rengar uber strong lategame. Also doesn't build too squishy as mostly I've seen does on this hero. He got enough burst so he doesn't need to go all squishy and die in two seconds.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Miff Oh Man
Miff Oh Man Rengar Guide
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