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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Runic Blade (PASSIVE)
Riven Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Lee Sin
You are very low whilst taking your buff. This champion can easily take your buff off your hands and kill you. Lee sin especially will make it so even if you flash there's no getting away.
The runes are very simple,
10% CDR (1 CDR Quint, 9 CDR Glyphs)
13 Physical Damage (2 AD Quints, 9 AD Marks)
9 Armor (9 Armor Seals)
With these runes your early jungling is much much easier, CDR helps so you can use your q more often (more q's more passive damage), physical damage just helps for clearing and damage overall, and armor so you don't take as much damage.
10% CDR (1 CDR Quint, 9 CDR Glyphs)
13 Physical Damage (2 AD Quints, 9 AD Marks)
9 Armor (9 Armor Seals)
With these runes your early jungling is much much easier, CDR helps so you can use your q more often (more q's more passive damage), physical damage just helps for clearing and damage overall, and armor so you don't take as much damage.
This item build is so that you can do massive damage with sheen procs (trinity force + sterak's gage) and be tanky. I find the main problem with Riven is how easy it is to just lock her down and she's gone. You can be in a fight 5 times longer than full AD Riven top. Although, the damage just isn't the same it's actually easy to burst a priority target down.
This build is actually one of my favourites, I got the idea just randomly sitting in bed, the build allows you to be what every Riven wants, to be in the fight and not get focused right away. I've said before you aren't as bursty but your tank stats make up for a little less damage and a little less burst.
- Tanky
- Does decent damage
- Has great ganks (level 3)
- Has a great teamfight
- Clearing jungle is easy after you get Ranger's Trailblazer
- Can carry (somewhat)
- If you fall behind kind of useless
- Before you get Ranger's Trailblazer you risk of dying whilst getting invaded is highly increased
- Need to know the fast q combo
- High skillcap (less than top lane because you just farm jg creeps)
- Tanky
- Does decent damage
- Has great ganks (level 3)
- Has a great teamfight
- Clearing jungle is easy after you get Ranger's Trailblazer
- Can carry (somewhat)
- If you fall behind kind of useless
- Before you get Ranger's Trailblazer you risk of dying whilst getting invaded is highly increased
- Need to know the fast q combo
- High skillcap (less than top lane because you just farm jg creeps)
I would recommended starting whatever side your bot lane is on, or double jg with your top laner. Make sure you do the fast q combo to clear the camp faster.
Blue Side
Krugs (smite)
Raptors (dontsmite)
Red (smite)
Buy ranger's trailblazer and then gank.
Red Side
Gromp (smite)
Wolves/Blue (dontsmite)
Blue/Wolves (smite)
Buy ranger's trailblazer and then gank.
Double Jungle
Gromp/Krugs or Raptors/Wolves (smite) (depends if bot lane takes krugs/gromp)
Red/Blue (dontsmite)
If your bot lane starts krugs/gromp smite it to help them out, you wont need the smite for red buff if you have your top laner tanking it.
In both of these sides taking scuttle can be useful if you want ward gold.
Blue Side
Krugs (smite)
Raptors (dontsmite)
Red (smite)
Buy ranger's trailblazer and then gank.
Red Side
Gromp (smite)
Wolves/Blue (dontsmite)
Blue/Wolves (smite)
Buy ranger's trailblazer and then gank.
Double Jungle
Gromp/Krugs or Raptors/Wolves (smite) (depends if bot lane takes krugs/gromp)
Red/Blue (dontsmite)
If your bot lane starts krugs/gromp smite it to help them out, you wont need the smite for red buff if you have your top laner tanking it.
In both of these sides taking scuttle can be useful if you want ward gold.
Riven is a great teamfighter, she has great aoe damage and cc to help her team finish the fight victoriously. If you are going to engage make you sure you w + flash on the ADC. If manage to kill the ADC and deal a lot of damage to the enemy team the teamfight is basically won.
- You don't have to target the ADC always, target the main damage dealer on their team.
(example Don't target 0/7/4 Tristana, target the 17/0/9 LeBlanc.
- You don't have to target the ADC always, target the main damage dealer on their team.
(example Don't target 0/7/4 Tristana, target the 17/0/9 LeBlanc.
This is an extensive Riven Lesson by BoxBox, I did not create any part of this video, this is simply something he did on his stream that was uploaded to youtube. This will help you if you're a beginner Riven.
His stream link is
His stream link is
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