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Riven Build Guide by Alumaner

Top *** Riven Top with smite

Top *** Riven Top with smite

Updated on November 4, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Alumaner Build Guide By Alumaner 5,597 Views 0 Comments
5,597 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Alumaner Riven Build Guide By Alumaner Updated on November 4, 2023
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Runes: Best

Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Sudden Impact
Ghost Poro

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Scorchclaw Smite

Scorchclaw Smite

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

*** Riven Top with smite

By Alumaner
You want to set the enemy Jungler behind. You will do that by taking his three topside camps over and over. If he wants to take them, you should be better than him. This strat is very good but extremely hard. YOu need to always be aware of the enemys position and act accordningly, you need to go to lane and clear waves so enemy cant take tower and you stay even in levels but also always take enemy camps to set enemy jungler behind and not loose minion xp (jng item). If you can master the thinking progress, i thik, that you can win games, because of the high falloff of the enemy jng and the evenness in lane. So while you cant make top laners life as miserebale as if you were playing normal, you can make the Jungler cry because he is too underlevelt, underitemzed and has too many deaths (bc of you) that he cant gank or play the game right.
General plan in steps
Step 1: Where is your wave?

It is pushed undrer my tower -> Clear the wave

It is medium -> Look where enemy top is, if gone clear wave. If not, try to clear wave and proceed with Step 2

If pushed in -> Step 2

Step 2: Do you know where enemy Jng is?

Yes, he is same strengh as me and is in his top jungle -> Try to recall or take waves

Yes, he is topside but weaker -> look to invade and take 1v1: Step 3

Yes he is botside -> Only take Grump or Krugs if jng is strong, if not you can take buffs too: Step 3

No -> If he is weaker, invade. If not, wait for info or recall

Step 3: Start from Grump or Krugs and go deeper if you think enemy will not kill you or even contest you sometimes
What to do
As soon as you spawn you need to take sweeper, so you can scout for wards that could be blocking your entrance. When the Path is clear, go in and start on Raptors or Wolves depending on what their topside jungle is. You then make your way up while smiting the red buff or the gromp for best speed. You will need to always use abilities for mobility, because you want to be fast. As soon as the three topside camps are done, go top and try to fight level three under or next to your turret. You will be level three but they will be three too. After fight you want to clear waves as fast as possible, until they are under enemy tower to either recall. On back you buy the stuff you can afford and go back top. The wave should be under your turret, so you can clear them and go back to enemy jungle. This is the pont where it could get hard. You need to be aware of the position of the enemy Mid and Toplaner, so you wont get 2v1'd. You will probably win against enemy jungler, except the are suddenly super fed or very strong early. You will then play the game like this. Your tower should not get taken before 17 min, but it shouldnt matter, because you fight them very advantageous from river. You need to always switch betwen lane and jng so you are not loosing gold and xp from minions due to jng item. Good Luck.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Alumaner
Alumaner Riven Guide
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*** Riven Top with smite

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