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Blitzcrank Build Guide by BeanybumBag

Jungle Rock'em Sock'em Blitz Daddy

Jungle Rock'em Sock'em Blitz Daddy

Updated on January 2, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BeanybumBag Build Guide By BeanybumBag 11,868 Views 1 Comments
11,868 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BeanybumBag Blitzcrank Build Guide By BeanybumBag Updated on January 2, 2023
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Lethal Tempo
Legend: Bloodline
Last Stand

Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

Rock'em Sock'em Blitz Daddy

By BeanybumBag
Bad Daddy Blitz and the Fists of Doom

This is my first ever mobafire guide and probably the only one I will make.

For starters I am an extremely average player, with an extremely average MMR, who just reached gold for hte first time ever in the 2022 season. So what reason should oyu have to trust me? None! But I have discovered Blitzcranks TRUE calling and I must show it to the world.
Way of the Fist
I've played League of Legends on and off since since 2013, but have never touched Blitzcrank until as recently as November of 2022. In that time I played 1 game in the support role, and got bored immediately. SO after noticing the % damage his W does, it gave me the idea many people also had: TO THE JUNGLE.

However, most guides you see for Blitz in the jungle are still what he'd build in lane; AP, AP tank, or shoot...still building a lame old support routine.

What these clickbait Youtube thumbnails havent shown mostly though, is his true potential: Crit Blitz.
With the added damage to his W and the gift that is Lethal Tempo, Blitz can hit just as hard as any ADC now. In fact, the 1% max health magic damage from his W ends up doing more damage than your basics early game, basically doubling your AD! That along with the AS from Lethal Tempo and his movement speed bursts, he's a force to be reckoned with. The downfall of building AP in this situation is that most of your damage only comes from your E and the passive dot damage from your ult. This is more passive damage and is just a slow trickle of damage, which in the end games is uselss when all the other damage dealers can splurt out 2k damage, leaving you in the dust. No more. Now is the time for AD, and to leave the old Blitz in the dust, because with your attack speed and 100% crit chance, your be swinging hard like the mosh pits at a Celine Dion concert, because no one can match your hands or will want to.
Gank Strategies
Unlike playing support in lane, you dont want to try and gank every time with your hook, in fact it is probably the worst option in most scenarios.

Going in with your E is an almost gauranteed success in nailing down a champ or at least getting a flash. The burst of movement speed from your W is enough to close the gap if they're pushed up enough.

In most situations, the best engage is to run up, E the enemy, smack them down as much as you can, and try and hook them while they're running away from you. At this point they're already used their flash, or will flash as you hook, getting rid of that nasty inconvenience as you wait in the other bush to repeat the same thing.


I've been typing too long and am bored now. I hope this gives better insight into Blitz true calling as a hammerfisting devil crit machine that he is. I'm going to go eat yogurt now.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BeanybumBag
BeanybumBag Blitzcrank Guide
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Rock'em Sock'em Blitz Daddy

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