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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard (against ranged)
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Threats & Synergies
Seraphine can safely farm with her Q and E, and can slow/ root Sett with her E too. She can also utilise her W to space better against Sett and to evade ganks. By building MoonStaff which is Moonstone Renewer and Staff of flowing water into more support items, Seraphine can even sacrifice some last hits if her wave state is in a bad position and wait for her jungler to shove the wave for her. Evene if she loses CS and exp to her jungler or a freeze, she operates on such a lower economy, needing lesser gold for her items and scaling way better than Sett in the later stages of the game. Seraphine's W can also negate so much of Sett's AOE ultimate and W in the late game while providing her teammates with movement speed to kite out Sett.
Chogath on the enemy team is the ideal synergy for Sett as Sett can cast ultimate on Chogath and with a good angle, Sett can potentially cause teamfight changing damage around neutral objectives
Chogath on the enemy team is the ideal synergy for Sett as Sett can cast ultimate on Chogath and with a good angle, Sett can potentially cause teamfight changing damage around neutral objectives
Champion Build Guide
Q- Sett can press Q to reset auto attacks to get in more autos with the combo AA-AA-Q-AA-AA
W- Sett can W-flash to finish off a low hp enemy. At times, Sett can take tower shots before casting W on a wave for better wave clear
E- It stuns if there is an enemy on both sides, thus more speed or repositioning in his build is always helpful
R- The damage scales with enemy HP, thus it can be a counter to Ornn or Chogath or Sion or other high value HP tanks etc
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