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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Salvation (PASSIVE)
Soraka Passive Ability
For your Runes, you must first realize that you are a part of the peoples republic of China. You must become one with the chinese, because this way, the only things that can hurt you, are burst heavy champions and the government. Now.
For your Reds, take Greater Marks of Critical Chance,
for your yellows, take Greater Seals of Gold, along with Greater Glyphs of Cooldown Reduction and top off your runes with Greater Quintessence of Gold, for the optimal, gold gaining rush. With such runes, any pleb that defies Crit-Raka, will be demolished.
For your Reds, take Greater Marks of Critical Chance,
for your yellows, take Greater Seals of Gold, along with Greater Glyphs of Cooldown Reduction and top off your runes with Greater Quintessence of Gold, for the optimal, gold gaining rush. With such runes, any pleb that defies Crit-Raka, will be demolished.
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