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Riven Build Guide by III Mistakes III

AD Carry S5 Play Like BoxBox

AD Carry S5 Play Like BoxBox

Updated on March 11, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author III Mistakes III Build Guide By III Mistakes III 27,502 Views 0 Comments
27,502 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author III Mistakes III Riven Build Guide By III Mistakes III Updated on March 11, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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What you'll find:

What you'll find in this build is a fighter who can also assassinate, initiate, tank, and push.
I don't mean that there are multiple builds, I mean this one build will give you all of those in one champion/build/game.

Oh, and if you're in bronze, you'll be glad to know that nobody can counter you in bronze. But you have to play with some principles in mind, not just get the items on this build. You couldn't get the gold for them anyways if you didn't know the principles.
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The masteries are pretty much a must-be-this-way. Don't change them.
The runes can be very subjective. There are actually other rune combinations. In fact I have 5 rune pages just for Riven.

I usually play with 10.0 CDR. If my top/mid opponent is AP, I replace my armor seals with MR seals.

If you think the extra 02.0 AD is worth not having 02.5% CDR, go for it. You'll understand when is a good time to use them as you play more matchups. Same marks, same seals, same glyphs, but replace the CDR quint with an AD one.

The reason I have 5 is because: 7.5cdr with armor, 7.5cdr with mr, 10.0cdr with armor, 10.0cdr with mr. The fifth rune setup is one that's not very comfortable with me and I'm not sure when to use it so I won't mention it.

In a general summary, when my opponent has short cooldowns on their spells, I'll go for more cdr. You need to roughly know what every champion matchup spells and cooldowns are.
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When you and your lane opponent both go back for the first time, he might buy armor if he's 'smart.' Buying that brutiliser will literally make you a brutiliser by giving u 10% more cdr to total 25%cdr. And early on, that brutiliser will help you fight that one cloth armor they MIGHT'VE bought.
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Never just spam your Q when you're chasing. Wait for your E to come up. Animation Cancel!
Animation Cancelling can be done to any of your spells with your E!
Here's a video. Click here.

Practice some of that.

Riven can hop over walls with your Q. Just try it out. If you hover over an enemy with your mouse when trying to wall hop, It'll fail.

Q animation cancelling: Your text to link here...

Practice a **** ton of that.

Congrats, you're in the top 50% riven players already.
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Haha, after you've learned all that, you gotta' love this champion. You need a good guidance to achieve her high skill cap level proficiency. I really hope I gave it to you with this. I wish the best of luck to you. I bet you love this champion. If you read this guide not knowing who BoxBox is, check him out on youtube and twitch. I'm the boxbox of bronze and he's the boxbox of challenger. I climbed from bronze to silver with just riven. Cya later. Tell me if you have any questions or somethin'.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author III Mistakes III
III Mistakes III Riven Guide
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S5 Play Like BoxBox

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