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Shen Build Guide by Kategida

Tank S6.7 Shen Build

Tank S6.7 Shen Build

Updated on April 17, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kategida Build Guide By Kategida 3,145 Views 0 Comments
3,145 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kategida Shen Build Guide By Kategida Updated on April 17, 2016
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Hi everyone, my name is Kategida and this is my first build. I've played so many Shen games that I realize that he has some downfalls when it comes to being super tanky, like his damage output on basic attacks late game. That's why I chose items like Maw for that late game damage potential.
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For runes I take attack speed quints because when you hit faster than your lane enemy you essentially get more damage off and you don't have to build anything to make you attack faster. I get 9x Armor runes for the early game armor. Most of the runes are for early game. Except for the glyphs. The glyphs I take are 9x CDR because your ult has such a long cooldown and your q can be procked like every 3 seconds instead of 5.
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For masteries you don't need the lifesteal from Warlord's so I take Fervor of Battle because as Shen you need a lot of early game winning in lane. If you engage smart then you can win pretty much every encounter with a champion with your auto attack blocking and your taunt.
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Rush Warmog's. This item is critical in your sustain because once you get over 3,000 health you can regenerate so much of it back. Next I usually get Sunfire Cape if I'm going against an AD champion like Garen but I get Maw if I'm going against a Teemo. It just takes time to get used to the items that you need to rush.
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Skill Sequence

You want your q first for obvious reasons. Next your auto attack blocker because against a ranged top their auto attacks can be annoying. You then get your taunt so you have some either gank escape or so then you can make aggressive plays.
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Tp and Ignite. You have e instead of flash.
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Pros / Cons

Pros: Strong all through the game, Medium-high mobility.
Cons: Does not snowball, if you get behind in your lane you can't recover.
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Team Work

As Shen you must have amazing map awareness if you are to use your ultimate correctly. Clicking on your allies portraits in the mini map or above can help you ult onto the right ally.
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Use your q to last hit because you have no possible way to run out of mana and then not recover it. Your q does more damage if it passes through an enemy so use early positioning to your advantage. Your q also slows the enemy if they are running away from you so use this to your advantage also.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kategida
Kategida Shen Guide
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S6.7 Shen Build

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