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Ashe can be really easy to vs as an ADC sometimes, so the smartest thing to do is when she uses her W (Volley) you can easily dodge it by standing behind minions.
Sivir can do a lot of damage with her Q (Boomerang Blade) and her W (Ricochet) combo so the best thing to do is try and dodge them, the only thing that she can block is that if she uses her E (Spell Shield) when you use her W (Venom Cask). but other than that she is easy to vs in lane.
Ezreal can poke you a lot and do quite a bit of damage to but you can out trade him easily by using your W (Venom Cask) to slow him and basic attack him a couple of times just before he E's (Arcane Shift) out of range for when you about to E him.
If by any chance that your vsing an Urgot ADC which would be unlikely then all you would have to do is dodge his Q (Acid Hunter) because it can do a bit of damage and it doesn't use a lot of mana for Urgot.
Tristana can be really annoying sometimes just because of her E (Explosive Charge) so as twitch I would Q (Ambush) and go behind her and basic attack a couple of times then Q again to escape then E for some damage, and also dodge her E if you can.
When vsing a Jihn ADC I would dodge his W (Deadly Flourish) as it can do some damage to you early game and be careful if he basic attacks you and W's at the same time to get that stun on you. Also stand back a little when Jihn uses his Q (Dancing Grenade) as it can poke a lot.
Corki as an ADC sometimes doesn't to as much damage as other ADC's but I would still look out for his Q (Phosphorus Bomb) as it gives him vision to be able to see you and does little damage but also I would look out for his W (Valkyrie) as when you stand under it does damage over time.
Kindred can be really pokey with her W (Wolf Frenzy) as it can do a lot of damage early game and can make you not be able to CS as it does damage to you if you stand in its circle.
Teemo is one of those champions that everyone hates vsing, as he can go invisible when your not looking and stand their until you come close enough for him and Q's (Blinding Dart) you which can do a fair bit of damage to you as well as binds you so your next basic attack on him will miss.
Jinx can be really annoying sometime so the best way to beat her is to try and dodge her W (Zap) and E (Flame Chompers) combo so you don't get hit with a slow and stun at the same time.
Kog'Maw can do a lot of damage early game and late game with is W (Bio-Arcane Barrage). I would try and dodge it as much as you can otherwise it will poke you really hard.
Lucian is again one of those champions that poke a lot, because his W (Ardent Blaze) can do a lot of poke as well as his Q (Piercing Light) when you get close to him so try to dodge the best you can and also be careful of his Passive (Lighslinger) as each time Lucian uses an ability he uses his guns twice when he basic attacks.
Miss Fortune
The Thing that I would look out for when vsing miss fortune ADC is her E (Make it Rain) as well as her Q (Double up) just because her E does a lot of damage when you stand under it as well as slowing you down so it gives her enough time to use her combo E and Q for her to do some damage to you.
When vsing a Quinn ADC which is sometimes highly unlikely because she is normally played top lane but if you do vs her ADC I would watch out for her Q (Blinding Assault) and her W (Heightened Senses) as it can give her vision for a couple if second so her jungler can see what is happening so she can have enough time to blind you while the jungler steps in and ganks you and kills you so watch out for that combo.
Caitlyn is a champion that does a lot of damage so be careful when she uses her Q (Piltover Peacemaker) as well as her basic attacks because her basic attacks do a lot of damage early game and late game.
Draven's Q (Spinning Axes) can do a lot of poke and can last a while if Draven keeps catching his axes every time he throws it at you or a minion.
Kalista's Q (Pierce) may not do that much damage but it can late game as well as her basic attack so be aware when she basic attacks you she starts stacking up for her E (Rend) and the amount of stacks she puts in you will determine the amount of damage when she uses her E.
When you are put up with vsing a Varus ADC he can be a bit annoying sometimes just like his Q (Piercing Arrow) so try and dodge it the best of your abilities but if you don't dodge it in time it can take quite a bit of health off you and watch out for his E (Hail of Arrows) as it damages and slows you at the same time.
Vayne's W (Silver Bolts) can do a lot of damage early game and late game and can easily out trade you when you think you can get her at low health but you cant because of her W and Q combo so be careful when vsing a Vayne.
When vsing a Graves just make sure he doesn't land his Q (End of the Line) on you because it can do a lot of damage, and also make sure he doesn't land his Q and W combo so you don't get blind and attacked by Graves.
Hello my name is TheVoidWhisperer and here is my in depth guide on how to play Twitch season 6 patch 6.8. Twitch is different to all the other ADC's in the league of legends, he is very unique because all of his moves all rely on his passive well when I mean "his moves all rely on his passive" it only requires one of his abilities Which is his E (Contaminate) but we will talk about that later on in this guide, now lets get started on the Pros and Cons of Twitch ADC.
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