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Ban Darius. You do outscale him into the mid/late game but you will have a very rough time against a good Darius. He should freeze the lane because Urgot typically auto shoves waves from his passive. This leads to him forcing you to overextend and be susceptible to jungle ganks or him ghosting on you.
Aatrox is a very tough matchup for Urgot early game. You have a huge hitbox and this makes it easy for a good Aatrox to combo you. The focus is for you to survive until you are lv9. I typically recommend building a bramble vest first to counter the healing from his passive, ult and conqueror. Aatrox heals based off the damage he deals so armor is huge. You hard outscale him in the mid/late game. If you get ahead he should never comeback vs Urgot.
She can still make your life hell because Akali's kit is broken. She's not nearly as strong as before and barely played top, but she is still a safe lane bully. You's outscaled her once you're lv9. Focus on minimizing her poke trades and getting to your lv9 powerspike.
This matchup is dependent on the skill of the Camille. Camille can trade well into Urgot due to her shield passive and a good Camille will not let you trade into her when it is down. When she goes for her W this can be a great opportunity to land an E on her as she is locked into that animation and cannot cancel it. Later into the game build an exe to counter the healing she gets from Ravenous Hydra and Conqueror. It is important to stack Hp vs Camille as she does a lot of true damage.
This is a fairly boring farm lane for both Cho and Urgot. Cho will typically outscale Urgot when it comes to teamfighting because of the amount of utility that Cho's kid provides a team. This is a lane where you should shove and force him under turret then look for tp plays or roam with your jungler or to the mid lane. He has very little kill pressure in a 1v1 situation.
Dr. Mundo
Mundo should never be a threat for Urgot. Urgot outdamages Mundo at nearly every stage of the game and Urgot provides much more utility to a teamfight than Mundo ever will. Build an executioners and make his life hell.
This matchup is like Camille where the skill of the Fiora will dictate how the lane will go. Fiora has good kill pressure on Urgot due to her slow and her superior movespeed to Urgot. She can use her Q to dodge your E as well as use her W to stun you if you try to cc her. Her Riposte also cancels your ult as well. Build bramble and ninja tabi to counter her healing and damages. She deals a lot of true damage so stacking hp is also important. You have more kill pressure in lane than Fiora until true late game where she's one of the few champions that outscales Urgot in the sidelane. End the game before you reach this point.
Very skill dependent matchup. A great GP will never let you touch them with their kiting and barrel slows. He is annoying during lane phase but you need to shove early and control the lane or you will have a bad time. Deny his sheen purchase on his first back if possible as this is a huge item for him. He should never kill you in lane solo unless you eat too much q poke and lands a barrel combo. His W Orange cleanses your ultimate so it is important to try and get him to burn it before ulting him. Once you're lv9, it will be extremely hard for him to land combos because your W max will melt his barrels. I personally max W first still in this matchup, but I do know other Urgots who max Q to maximize your poke in lane since his only sustain is his orange.
Garen should never be a threat vs Urgot. You are stronger than Garen at pretty much every point in the game and he has practically no utility. Frozen Mallet is a good buy vs Garen as his Q can only cleanse one slow effect at a time and your W constantly reapplies the Mallet slow making it harder for him to escape you.
This is just an annoying matchup more than anything. Just farm well because you hard outscale gnar. Neither of you have any kill pressure on the other if the lane is played correctly. If he turns mega be careful of his Ult combo as you will be stunned for nearly 3 whole seconds from his R and W. You can time your E to dash into mega gnar as he Ws to flip use your shield to absorb his damage and trade damage into him. You can only kill a Gnar if his E is down and it's a fairly long cooldown.
Hecarim is a cheesy top laner. He often will bait you into a fight and will usually win because they typically run ignite top lane. He heals a ton off minion waves with his W as well as using conqueror. Build an Executioners and play to scale. You hard outscale this matchup 1v1.
You have very little kill pressure vs a good Hemier as they know how to kite around turrets and use their stun to counter you. Max Q in this lane, poke best you can and pray your jungler can help. You outscale in the sidelane but you have little kill pressure at all stages 1v1.
Very annoying matchup as she can easily land her E on Urgot and bullys very slower champs. Urgot has a fat hitbox as well. Get lane dominance early and push her in, she isn't a champion until she is lv3. Rush an executioners and do not let her get lane control. She will make your life hell if she gets ahead. If your jungler doesn't come pre lv6 do not call for them to help. Illaoi is a monster at 2v1ing with her ult damage and healing. Once you're lv9 you have outscaled illaoi and should win most all ins even if she lands her e on you. Wave management is key in this one.
A master of Irelia can make anyone's life hell, but Urgot wins this win pretty hard. If you land your E she is pretty screwed in a 1v1 and you outscale her pretty hard. She only has kill pressure if she fully stacks her passive off the minion wave. If she stacks it and you know shes going to land her stun, just E away and kite until her passive falls off. This is a fairly easy matchup overall, just don't get caught or let her get a lead.
This is the worst possible matchup for Urgot. I ban Darius because he's more common but Jax is Urgot's truest counter due to his counter-strike negating all your damage from W. Max Q in this matchup and gain lane priority. He has no sustain outside of potions so this is your only chance to beat him in lane. Call your jungler for help if you fall behind. He can solo end the game in the sidelane if he gets a lead.
Can be an annoying matchup but Urgot hard outscales this one. Jayce is a very high skill champion and can outplay you early game. Don't take too much poke and play behind minions and you should be fine.
Not very common anymore top lane but Karma is still played occasionally. You cannot kill her 1v1 and she zones you off the wave very hard. Focus on farm and outscaling in the sidelane as she cannot match your split mid/late game.
Horrible matchup for Urgot. She can kite you forever using her W speed up, Q slow and later her Gunblade slow. Shove her and force her to cs under turret. You cannot match her 1v1 in a sidelane once shes lv 11. Shove her under turret and make roam plays to accelerate the game before she can scale.
Boring Lane. Max W in this one and keep the wave even or on your side until youre lv 9. Do not shove the wave unless you know the enemy jungler is not topside. Kennen can chain cc you keeping a stun lock even with mac tenacity and merc treads. Kennen is a much more useful teamfighter than you are due to his ult and speed. Focus on farm.
Kled can be a pretty big threat in the early game. It's fairly easy for him to land his beartrap on you due to Urgot's large hitbox. Avoid trading when Kled's W is up. Do not let him get lane prio because Kled is an incredible diver and his skaarl passive resets turret aggro. He also is an incredible roamer. Rush Ninja Tabis, and keep lane priority, you hard outscale this one 1v1. Ping your team whenever Kled is 6 and missing, he is a monster on the map with his ultimate.
He can kite you forever and outranges you as well. Superior lane bully but you do outscale him. Don't look for solo kills, focus on farming. He's very squishy so Lucian can be punished hard by junglers.
Boring Boring Boring. Get Lane priority and roam. He is insane at teamfighting so focus on outfarming and keeping him in a sidelane. Once he's 6 be careful as his ult has one of the best gank set ups in the game. Bully him and don't let him become relevant.
Maokai is deceptively strong after the tank buffs. He has very good sustain and can win most all ins until Urgot is lv9. Rush an executioners and look to scale. Be careful because he has insane gank set up with all of his CC. It's important you track the enemy jungler during lane phase to avoid this. Play to bully/scale and he cannot match you in the sidelane.
Good luck early game. He should win every trade and should control the wave on you everytime. Try to get your jungler to gank him before he hits lv6 otherwise you will get zoned hard off the wave because of his immense kill pressure on you. You outscale Morde but you need 2 items before that plus an executioners to counter his healing. He is countered hard by adaptive helm.
Not a threat at all. Bully him, maintain lane priority and make his life hell. End the game before he scales.
Very strong lane champion. He can use his W spell shield to counter your E and Ult. Most Nocturnes will rush tiamat and perma roam and you cannot match his waveclear. Ping where you think he's mia and pray your teammates listen. You cannot tp to your team when he ults as the map is dark. You do win most 1v1s even during the early game, he's just a fairly cheesy champion.
Very strong lane bully. He will run you down if he lands his Axes. rush a bramble as this hard counters Olafs healing and he relies on auto attacks to win. His Ult also makes him unstoppable countering your Ult and E. Play to scale as you dominate Olaf mid and late game.
Very Very strong champion right now. He wins nearly all trades vs Urgot, and all in fights due to his percent hp damage and high base damages. He teamfights better and buffs his team with item enhancements late game. He is picked often and is ban worthy with Darius and Jax.
He's a big lane bully but you win after you hit lv6. Take his early game abuse and focus on farm. Do not take too much poke as his q executes low health targets. Ping your teammates whenever he goes missing and has ult. Save your tp if possible to match his ult. If your tp is down, get turret plates and farm. To punish his roams. You hard outscale this one.
Has high base damage and she counters your dash. Take poke trades and avoid getting hit by her buckle passive. If she uses it on a minion you can threaten her by walking where it lands to prevent her from grabbing it and getting a shield. Can be annoying but she isn't much of a solo threat.
Good luck. Similar to Nocturne where she will shove you in and look to roam. Fights are similar to Lucian where she out-trades you early game and can kite Urgot fairly easy. You hard outscale and shes useless 5v5. Ping whenever she is missing and lv6. Save your tp to match her roams if possible.
Ok. Rammus also hard counters Urgot due to his W. If you're about to get taunted turn it off or you will die instantly.
Can be tough early but good trades are key here. Avoid trades when he has enough fury to empower his W. It breaks shields and does insane damage early. Mind your spacing and manage your poke and trades and this ones fairly easy. Rush armor if you fall behind or die early, because he can snowball very hard early game. Tabis are a great buy vs Renekton.
This matchup can be very hard vs a good player who mains Rengar. You win most all ins if you manage to land your E on him. Rush an Executioners to counter his healing from W. Only look to trade if your E is up and be careful of him getting a double Q off on you. His empowered W is a cleanse and counters your Ult as well. Ping whens he's missing and has ult. This is a matchup you learn to fight with experience.
Urgot counters Riven straight up. She has to work very very hard to match his lane pressure. You win poke trades and all ins if you land your E. Look to land your E and get a w trade then back off. Your cooldowns are longer than hers and she actually can kill you fairly easy with her second rotation of abilities. If you happen to fall behind rush Ninja Tabis and rush phage/black cleaver. Focus on landing your E and Ult by playing around her dashes. This is a very fun matchup to play from my personal experience.
Rumble has pretty insane damage from his Q early and mid game. He does struggle if you happen to land your E on him but he can kill you easily if you over-commit and don't have enough damage to kill him if he can get a second rotation of spells off. He can't sidelane vs Urgot late game but he's a monster teamfighter.
Ryze used to be a bigger threat but he's fallen down a lot due to the meta being so early game focused right now. He outranges you and can bully Urgot if you stand in the minion wave. He actually outscales you so you should look to pressure the lane to end the game quickly.
Very strong lane bully and abuses Urgot. Look to land your q and w after to get your trade off. If he stacks his grit after a trade he will use his W, you can counter his W by using your E to flip him over and making his W miss all damage. Only do this if you know you will kill. He is insane at extended trades and will maul Urgot until he is lv9. Wounds Items counter his passive healing and are a good pickup. Play safe and look to outscale, Sett is a season 10 monster.
Shen in theory counters Urgot due to his W. He also does insane damage from his Q if he drags it through you. Manage your spacing and use your autos to abuse him. Spacing is key for Urgot to win this as Shen's E dash is is about the same distance as Urgot's auto range. If he burns his W it's a long cool down especially early game, this is your window to E in and get your damage off. SAVE YOUR TP!! You have to save your tp to match Shen's ult. Always type to your team and let them know and remind them that Shen as ult. Do not let your team fight if you cannot match Shen's R or he will get his team rolling. It's about a 2 and a half minute cd lv1.
SInged is very strong in a 1v1. They typically run ignite and can run you down if you missplay at all. Their W slow also prevents you from using your E dash. You can abuse Singed as he needs levels to be strong and he relies on his opponents mispositioning to get kills. There is a very tight window where if Singed flips you, you can time your E dash to flip back into him. Your shield will mitigate his flip damage and allow you to get your damage off vs him. rush an exe and Magic Resist to counter his damage and healing.
One of the few matchups where Sion actually thrives. Sion can bully Urgot very hard, but he will struggle 1v1 if urgot gets a lead. He will always be more useful in a 5v5 than Urgot, but he cannot match you in a sidelane late game so you can use this to pressure the enemy team. In lane it is best to use your E to escape and mitigate his Qs damage because by the time you can react to his Q windup and you react with E, he will knock you up and stun you. Once you get Black Cleaver he gets in a rough spot even with stacking armor as Urgot's passive does percent Hp damage as well.
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