Secret Neeko guide the IRS doesn't want you to see for some reason

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Recommended Items
Runes: Dark Harvest
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Threats & Synergies
Anything that can pop you like a baloon is a threat really. Neeko's strong advantage is the early game poke. When something outranges you/outdamages you or BOTH, it's gonna be hard to deal with. ESPECIALLY when you can't really protect yourself from her with exhaust, it works on Zed just fine but some champions are just a pain to play against.
Awesome combo botlane. He stuns, you stun, your dark harvers pops off and your enemy botlane pees their pants. Just like the IRS when you play duo with Xerath.
Awesome combo botlane. He stuns, you stun, your dark harvers pops off and your enemy botlane pees their pants. Just like the IRS when you play duo with Xerath.
Champion Build Guide
UPDATED LAST: Made some changes mostly in the mythic item tier list section.
PLANNED UPDATES: I started playing this build a little differently than I used to. So I want to rework the runes section a lot, and the ability order. But the version I have here right now isn't bad, I just don't think it's superior, but you can still use it and win!
Before we start, here is a link to my other on hit Neko guide you can read too if you want :)
... Why?
You might be wondering, why would you even consider building this over the normal

🍅 The swag you'll emanate while wearing this build on you
🍅 Insane snowball potential compared to standard Neeko mid
🍅 Her autoattacks actually become useful, even outside of her third W passive shot (that also becomes easier to use) she can do some serious damage even without using any abilities
🍅 You get to bully your lane opponent because she's very opressive early
🍅 Neeko has tons of CC, which also make it easier to autoattack your opponent to death if they didn't die from the burst (which they usually don't, even in normal Neeko builds)
🍅 You will probably have one of the highest damage done to turrets scores almost every game
💔 Cringe people will hate your swag (aka teammates will probably get upset when they see you build BOTRK Xddd)
💔 Good luck playing against champions with range longer than yours honestly (and there's like a lot of them)
💔 Squishy (that's why despite it's many flaws crown is one of the best choices for mythics imo)
💔 This build is extremely high risk high reward, if you fall behind pray your teammates carry you because you'll be extremely useless, you can still use her insane ability to destroy turrets though, you could build Nashor's and Hullbreaker if you're brave
💔 Neeko remains immobile, even more so without the Rocketbelt
💔 You get a debuff that makes you unable to pay taxes on time


Resolve tree

Domination tree

For the opposite team the places are reversed but I believe you understand what I'm talking about.
So it's time to get to the gameplay...
Early Game
Early game for Neeko here is all about abusing your enemy. Make them cry. Beat them to death. Multiple times preferably, keep poking them with your W and Q, and whenever you manage to E them throw your entire combo on them if you can, but while you do that remember to watch the minion waves. Usually try poking when you have cleared most of the enemy minions to not make them agro you (you can also quickly poke and then press your W because it takes off enemy minion agro off of you, but wasting your W on poking isn't very desirable since it's your only form of escape outside of flash), and don't worry about pushing too hard, in midlane you often should push harder especially if the enemy champion can roam. Because if your minions hit their tower when they are away they will lose a lot of farm on it, and might not even get any kills so they are forced to stay (it of course depends on the situation, sometimes you might wanna stay close to your turret for example when the enemy has Evelynn or Twitch jungle).
So the three most important things for early game are
1 Try to push as hard as possible (unless it's not worth it)
2 Opress your enemy as much as you can unless doing so would be dangerous to you
3 WATCH OUT FOR GANKS, keep your W ready for the clone.
If dominating or at least slowing down your opponent is impossible, don't force it. You will only make things worse, if you don't feel like you can do it either try to outfarm them or try looking for ganks, while remembering to keep the enemy minion wave away from your turret when you leave.
Playing when you are ahead
When you are ahead, depending on how much ahead you are you should try getting

Playing when you are behind
Being behind with this build is particularly hard, because you are getting punished even harder than usual. You will probably end up with the lowest damage dealt in the entire team, but that's okay. Try to shift your focus on taking down turrets. If you are an easy target it might be reasonable to retreat and try farming whatever you can. Depending on how badly it's going you might want to hold on to your

Getting abused in lane
If you didn't ban Xerath LeBlanc and Syndra at once you might stumble upon matches where you have the displeasure of fighting against them. And sometimes you just have to cut your loses and try to survive without dying as long as you can. The really really bad thing about this build is that you can't just stay and do nothing, because you will automatically lose. If you can't farm, roam. If you can't roam, farm. Always try to think of an idea you can do something, gather more resources to not fall off and become completely useless. At least you will die trying soldier.
There is more to life than kills
Sometimes you might get too focused on getting kills, and while kills can provide you with a lot of gold, it's not always good to go after them. So what if you killed that Yuumi when the enemy has slain the Elder Drake, and you weren't there because you chased around a Yuumi that was baiting you. My point is to be aware of your surroundings, think logicaly while you play. Watch the minimap, look for taking objectives and play around them, FARM. You can take kills of course, but League is a game where every move requires you to weight your options. Sometimes you have to scrifice a kill to get your team ahead in different ways.

Again, the link for that build is here, it's not a part of this guide any more.
See you around and good luck ^^
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