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Singed Build Guide by Spoopy Soup



Updated on October 19, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Spoopy Soup Build Guide By Spoopy Soup 2,524 Views 1 Comments
2,524 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Spoopy Soup Singed Build Guide By Spoopy Soup Updated on October 19, 2015
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Singed, when he was a youngling of Noxious was a happy and cheerful young Chippewa. When he was six his father, Contagion, gave him his very first chemistry set. Singed was overjoyed, the chemistry set had beakers, Erlenmeyer flasks, graduated cylinders, it had all the bells and whistles; it even came with a small sample of Ice-9. Singed concocted his first toxin using that very chemistry set. But the good times couldn't last forever, alas singed started grade school. On the first day, when singed walked into his first class: Social Political Issues and Current Events, he sat down and timidly looked across the room to find any possible friends but he found the unfriendly guise of Brad.
Brad squared his eyes and whispered the words: "Lunch money"
So lunch came and Singed, feebly went to the lunch line, the beastly Brad approached, and singed's lunch money was taken.
Singed ran all the way home that day, and jumped into his Dad's arms.
"I never want to go back, Brad will bully me! Fathero please!"
"Oh sonny boy, don't worry. There will always be bad people in this world,you just have to learn to turn your head."
"Really fathero?"
"Yes, sonny boy."
"Maybe I will give it a shot fathero."
"Don't forget sonny boy, I will always be here for you"
"Thank you fathero"

Unfortunately Contagion's advice was to no avail, and Brad never ceased to harass and toy with poor little singed. Every day Brad would concoct some new torture for Singed, from stealing his gym clothes, to freezing Singed in the halls and making him late for class. Singed hated Brad but he was to terrified to do anything about it.
Singed could only do one thing to help deal with Brad, chemistry. Singed spent many sleepless nights laboring over that sentimental chemistry set his father gave him.
But one day, Brad went too far. On that fateful day Singed was brought in his special chemistry set to show the class for Show and Tell day. When singed was presenting Brad crossed the line and suddenly sent Singed's chemistry set on a magical journey to the ground where it shattered.
Singed's eyes welled up with tears when he saw the one thing that kept him sane. He suddenly lashed out and flung Brad out of the school, and ran!
Singed ran all the way back home, fearful Brad and what he might do. But his thoughts were cut short when he reached home when he found fathero and their entire house frozen in a gold silhouette; Brad beat him there! Singed's eyes widened, his entire world was falling apart. But there, standing next to fathero, Brad. He was waiting for Singed! Brad raised one hand and started to run. Singed started to run, and he has never stopped since, for you see if he stops Brad will catch him!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Spoopy Soup
Spoopy Soup Singed Guide
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