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Fizz Build Guide by asianboiiy

Slip and Slide Until They Die

Slip and Slide Until They Die

Updated on August 22, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author asianboiiy Build Guide By asianboiiy 1,776 Views 0 Comments
1,776 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author asianboiiy Fizz Build Guide By asianboiiy Updated on August 22, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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Alright sup guys, this guide will help you win lane as fizz and help you learn how to carry your games as this mobile assassin.
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Pros / Cons

Snowballs extremely well
Very mobile
Extreme burst potential
Farms very easily
Strong through the whole game

Low sustain
Easily susceptible to poke early game(pre 3)
Requires a lot of skill
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Summoner Spells

I run teleport ignite. Taking teleport over flash because it provides more overall pressure than just singling out your lane. Using teleport once you hit level 6 opens up many banking opportunities all over the map and allowing you to easily pick up kills. Although what i like doing with teleport is bullying my lane pre 6 and push the lane when they back so they'll miss exp and back to base and teleport back into lane before they can get back giving me a lead on levels and then go in for a kill at lvl 6.

TLDR: Teleport gives u levels to win ur lane and snowball
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I take scaling AP for even more snowball potential and combined with deathcap, it increases your damage output enormously. For the Hybrid Penetration marks they allow you to trade better in lane since you will have high cooldowns early on your'e going to want to rely on your W after you've used those up.
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Skill Sequence

When your'e going up to poke always go for the W>Q combo to engage most likely they will will use their skills right after you hop onto them so wait for a sign that they're about to use it and then flip with you E out. If you want to go all in i suggest you ULT from far away and walk and double flip ontop of them (it might take a little while to get used to the range) but once u get that down just add a W>Q ontop of that and they should be dead (unless they're tanky) if they're not dead you still have your w up so auto them a few times maybe add and ignite and they should be out of there.
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Team Work

You basically have 3 things you need to prioritize in a team fight
1: Kill their carry
2: Hit as many people as possible with your ULT
3: Don't be afraid to use your E for extra damage(don't double cast it because the radius will be smaller

I normally let someone else engage first in the team so they're all preoccupied and then from the back i show up and let making it a lot easier to hit them and hit high priority targets.
What i find most effective is Ulting and then using my E ontop of the Ult which lets all that damage hit at the same time just shredding all of their health

If your team is losing and your the only one doing good on the team DO NOT laze around mid with your team defending a tower. Your Job is to counter pressure since you're starting rich bane your damage potential on turrets is very high and with your teleport you should be able to push just as fast if not faster than the enemy causing them to back to go for you. If only one of them backs for you then thats a good thing because you're fizz and you're 1v1 potential is very high especially with all the raw damage you're building. A.K.A. the best defense is offense
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League of Legends Build Guide Author asianboiiy
asianboiiy Fizz Guide
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Slip and Slide Until They Die

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