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Gwen Build Guide by PK Noob

Top Snip Through Them! Top Gwen Guide!

Top Snip Through Them! Top Gwen Guide!

Updated on February 11, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PK Noob Build Guide By PK Noob 35 5 56,636 Views 27 Comments
35 5 56,636 Views 27 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author PK Noob Gwen Build Guide By PK Noob Updated on February 11, 2022
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Sidewinders (5) | June 27, 2021 5:23pm
Excellent guide!

I really enjoy playing Gwen :D
LlabilniLlama (3) | June 25, 2021 4:22am
I like your profile picture mah dude. Is it anyone specific or just a random anime girl.
SirGRC | June 7, 2021 11:31pm
When shouldn't you build a tear on Gwen? Or has it sorta just become an always buy item for you?
PK Noob (7) | June 8, 2021 12:04am
You should always build tear on Gwen. Once you get to late or mid game, your mana pool will limit the choices you can make and you'll be relying on blue buff. The tear items give good stats and are worth their gold.
SirGRC | June 3, 2021 4:41pm
So for with defensive options with Gwen, would it be best to go for Demonic Embrace or to go for an actual defensive item such as Force of Nature or Thronmail.
PK Noob (7) | June 3, 2021 7:25pm
Demonic Embrace is a good choice if you don't know what to build. It gives you AP and a bit of defense in combat. If your looking to just build an actual defensive item, I would just build an actual defensive item then instead of Demonic Embrace.
SirGRC | June 5, 2021 4:38am
So, if you are looking for just some general defenses get Demonic Embrace but if you know what you are going to need then get some actual defensive items?
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SirGRC | June 1, 2021 10:07pm
So, I understand that you recommend building a tear but how long does it take you to get stacked up? I just did a bot game and it took me a little under 20 minutes to get fully stacked, I even upgraded it before it got fully stacked. I ask because if it took nearly 20 minutes to get fully stacked in a bot game I know it will take, at least for me, a lot longer to get it fully stacked up.
PK Noob (7) | June 2, 2021 5:49am
It really depends on how much you find yourself fighting. On average, I complete mine in about 10 to 15 minutes. I recommend buying it early so your not trying to stack it 30 minutes in the game.
SirGRC | June 2, 2021 9:54pm
There is no possibly way you are getting your tear fully stacked by the 10-15 minute mark. I might believe 15-20 sense of the three games I played today and bought a tear I completed two of them a little over 20 minutes, 21 and 26:38 (OTP Cho was bullying the **** out of me so I couldn't cs nor stack up tear). Am I just not playing aggressive enough with Gwen?
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SirGRC | June 1, 2021 6:58pm
Can you clean up your Champion Build Guide? Just some simple QOL things like add a few icons here and there. But PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD at least break up your aggressive playstyle. Nobody likes to read big blocks of texts. It can also become very easy to get lost big blocks of text. I am not saying you have to delete any of it, but at least break it up into multiple chunks.
PK Noob (7) | June 1, 2021 7:02pm
Thank you for letting me know your opinion. When I saw it, even I got overwhelmed by it but just brushed it off. I'll work on it.
SirGRC | June 1, 2021 7:11pm
It isn't a problem. I like the name change btw.
SirGRC | June 1, 2021 4:38pm
Which playstyle do you recommend and/or play the most? I really like the look of the hyper aggressive one but I feel like it is situational even in low elo because if the lane opponent has a good shove you won't be able to clear very much before they are getting close to crashing their wave(s) into your tower. Additionally, and most importantly, you don't get any cull stacks with monster camps only minions.
PK Noob (7) | June 1, 2021 5:35pm
The playstyles you do is dependent on your confidence. Lets say your in a good mood and your against an enemy laner you win extremely hard against like Darius. I would do the semi-aggressive strategy. If you just had a really bad game or/and your against a champion you lose hard against like Fiora, you should play the safe strategy. Aggressive strategy is the one I play the most, but I really don't recommend this to you. To play aggressive strategy effectively, first off, when you slow push the wave, your relying on hoping that the enemy top laner is dumb enough to let you kill them at least once. This will give you a gold lead against them which helps you 1v2 the enemy top laner and jungler. Second, you have to play flawlessly because if you screw up, you'll end up getting the enemy top laner or jungler back in the game or give them a lead. Third, you have to know how you can win a 1v2 against the enemy jungler and top laner 100% of the time. The third one just comes with experience and since I have over 100K mastery points on Gwen, I know how or can piece together how I can win the 1v2. Why this only would probably be the best in lower ranks like silver is because people have no wave management skills. It doesn't matter if the lane opponent has the best clear in the game. You are guaranteed at least like 10 or 20 seconds if you crash a big wave. When you crash your 2 or 3 minion wave, that's enough time to roam and take an enemy camp or two depending on your power. I only recommend roaming when your above 75% health because the enemy mid laner can help the enemy junger which will make it a 1v2 if they try to contest against you. If your below 75% health, you have a choice. You can go to the enemy jungle and drop a ward or two there and get out or you can simply just back, spend your gold, and slow push the wave again. The point in the aggressive strategy is to spread your lead around the map as quick as possible to end the game. The main reason this works in low elo though is because it win the 20 minute aram that happens. With your lead you'll completely destroy the enemy team if you play it out right. This typically leads to a surrender and if they don't just keep your lead by farming and taking objectives. Even if the 20 minute aram surprisingly doesn't happen, you can ping and take the baron with your team for free then proceed to end or take a couple towers. (People in low elo will listen to you more often if you have a positive KDA!) I will have to add this stuff in the section so thank you for asking.

I really recommend playing the Semi-Aggressive strategy and safe strategy. It's just safer, smarter, and allows you to scale freely at a good rate. The aggressive strategy is high-risk, high reward, so if you think your able to pull it off, do it. Also I know that cull only works on wave minions. 15 minutes is enough to finish your cull if you have proper wave management and cs well. You can probably finish it in 10 minutes if your really good.
SirGRC | May 28, 2021 10:40pm
I am not asking these questions to critique your guide but to improve myself as a gwen player and am curious for your reasonings.

With Night Harvester, wouldn’t it be worth mentioning Everfrost and Hextech Rocketbelt? Everfrost, I think would be better at locking down squishier targets because of the root active allowing for a free true damage Q. I would think that Hextech would be a better alternative to Night Harvester because it gives 5% more move speed and, I would argue, a better mythic passive as well with the magic penetration. Although more Ability Haste is nice, I feel as though Gwen’s abilities already have very low cooldowns.

Why a Cull? I would not say it is a bad item, but I feel like getting it first is certainly a weird one even if you do get your money back after its completion.

I, and a few others, have said that Bramble Vest/Thornmail is a better alternative to Morello because most top laners are AD and most of them are more auto attack focused rather than ability focus. So, would it not be better to spend the gold Thornmail?

Would you recommend going for the damage, defensive, damage, defensive item buying? Although I would not say it is a bad idea and I know that most of the first set of defensive items are AP boosters, I just think that it would be better to go for a more damage focused build with Gwen. But I will admit Spirit Visage does seem like a good idea.

Why Manamune/Archangel’s Staff? I have seen another guide suggest Manamune but I am still unsure as to why you would build it. I understand that Manamune synergizes a lot better that Archangel, sense it only gives mana. I am not asking specifically about Manamune sense I am sure it could be a good item but I do want to ask about the inclusion of Archangel’s Staff as well as when you should get a tear.

I think you should lower your Illaoi because her E is easily avoidable with Gwen’s E. On top of that even if you are hit by her E it is just as easy to get out of it either with Gwen’s E or just walking out of it sense the spirit radius isn’t that big. Also, Illaoi is female.

(You can skip over this it is just me saying why I don’t like Taste of Blood and Ravenous Hunter, it doesn’t help or harm your guide in any way, shape, or form.) I actually really like your section explaining Domination VS Resolve. My once, very opinionated, comment on it is just that I don’t like Taste of Blood because it is mostly meant for shorter quick trades which is very hard to do especially when you are trying to stack things like Conqueror. I also haven’t been a fan of Ravenous Hunter ever sense they nerfed it making it so you needed to get a kill in order to get the Omnivamp from it.
PK Noob (7) | May 29, 2021 12:46am
The main reason of why I didn't include Everfrost and Hextech Rocketbelt is because I feel like Riftmaker and Night Harvester get the job done better than both of them. Everforst, yes the stun is useful for locking targets down, but if you miss it, or the squishy builds a stopwatch, that's it. Her Q and Everfrost isn't enough to kill the squishy anyways. You'll need your ultimate and a couple more autos. You can easily hit your Q's and other abilities without Everfrost so that's why I didn't include that. Hextech Rocketbelt is nice for the MS and extra dash, but Night Harvester will help you do the exact same thing. I put Night Harvester instead of Hextech because it was the second best. You don't need the extra burst, you just need to survive to do that burst. The extra ability haste allows you to do more Q's which is just more damage and healing. They both accomplish the same thing, but the mythic passive for Night Harvester is just better.

Cull is nice and is just as good as Doran's Blade. The additional gold you get is too good to pass up though. Your typically just farming for the first 15 minutes and that's enough time to get 100 CS if you cs well enough.

I put those options there so people can decide what to build. If they need a defense item, they can look at the defensive section. If they think they're good they can build a offensive item. In my opinion, its good to at least build one defensive item. That should be enough. If you need another defensive item to stay alive, just build another one. I just listed the best ones for Gwen. :D

Manamune is basically a substitute for Nashor's Tooth. You don't get all the damage you would get from Nashor's, but you do get the mana to sustain yourself. Archangel's is included because it gives you mana and gives you a decent amount of AP. Archangel's scales extremely well into late game and should be bought if you think that's where the game is going.

The reason I put Illaoi that high is because you will struggle to trade with her. She can practically farm safely all game if she wants to. As soon as you try to engage her, she can just back off, then poke you down with her E. If she plays aggressive though, she will be easily beatable.
SirGRC | May 30, 2021 1:11am
I am not denying that Riftmaker is a good mythic, I just think that Night Harvester is an odd one. With Everfrost, even if you do miss the Root it gives you are getting a 65% slow. Pairing it with Gwen's E makes it incredibly hard to not get at least one of the two. You are still getting the center of the Q off with at least a majority of the snips. If they do waste their Stopwatch/Hourglass then that is totally worth it especially if you are trading it for just the Everfrost active, sense it has a 40 second cooldown compared to Hourglass which has a 120 second cooldown. Which your comment on the Q + Everfrost to kill squishiest that isn't the point of Everfrost, plus unless if you are turbo fed you aren't going to be one shotting anybody with any build. Don't get me wrong the damage is nice, but I use it more as a tool to allow me to get the center of Gwen's Q applied easily on a target. Plus, with its mythic passive you are getting more damage for her passive which then leads to more damage.

With Night Harvester, you say they do the same thing but I would argue that Hextech is more beneficial. This is because of the magic penetration it gives. It will boost the damage done by Gwen's passive/Q which in turn will grant more healing. I am away from my computer and my laptop barely like me using Chrome so I cannot test which one does more damage/heals more. Although you do make a good point on getting more Qs with Night Harvester, this in turn also leaves Gwen needing to back after a fight because she won't have any mana to risk staying.

So, are you saying that Cull is just a better Doran's Blade?

So, it is Nashor's Tooth or Manamune but if the game plans on going on for a while get an Archangel?
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