FARMING LANE: As tempting as it may seem, don't try to abuse your range to poke her, since once she turns, you become super vulnerable and you'll lose that trade.
After both hit lvl 6, she won't have enough to oneshot you, but you sure as hell won't win that fight. Remember, this is a Farming Lane!
Lategame, you can shut her down if you manage to hit an Equinox-Chain before she can deploy her shroud. Try to preemptively silence her if she's trying to reach your carry
SEMI-FARMING LANE: Ahri isn't threatening, but you shouldn't provoke fights if you're not seeing her jungler on the map. Ahri's kill potential is high once she commits (with flash + E) if her jungler assists her.
For the rest, it's a very safe lane and there will be a lot of farming. You have the advantage here.
UNSAFE LANE: Akshan players will stealth and bait you into pushing so that he can grapple onto you. He WILL force your flash and WILL control the lane after this happens.
Do not push, even if you don't see him (unless he recently died or is seen in other parts of the map. If you do have the balls to go head-on, make sure you have a stacked wave.
(tip: you can cancel his grapple, preferably the moment he attaches it to the wall)
SEMI-UNSAFE LANE: Anivia can wall your escape routes. Soraka does not have the mobility to escape a committed Anivia. Although Soraka has the ability to win those trades, do not force them as it's rather favoured for her (she sets up ganks way better than Soraka).
(tip: you can cancel her Ultimate channel, putting it back on cooldown. Her Q recast is also cancellable)
SAFE LANE: You're the aggressor in this matchup (although you shouldn't force yourself being one.) Your abilities have longer range in this midrange matchup.
I could recommend taking summoner Cleanse in this matchup, since her all-in's with Flash can turn out lethal if she's assisted by her jungler.
Aurelion Sol
FARMING LANE: He just pushes too hard and Soraka has problems farming under turret. You outrange him though.
(tip: his Q and Flight ability are both cancellable)
SEMI-UNSAFE LANE: He has longer range than you, has the ability to throw you inside the enemy team, and will punish you for farming. I would say Azir is probably the most annoying matchup. Don't interact with him later on.
(tip: his Dash is cancellable. If he's telegraphing a Dash into your enemy team for a teamfight Ultimate, try canceling his Dash mid-flight to SHUT him DOWN completely)
SAFE LANE: You're the aggressor. This is a midrange matchup where you outheal and outdamage.
FARMING LANE: This is one of those midrange matchups where the players' skill matter significantly. As Soraka, accept that this is a Farming lane. Minimal interaction is key and punishing her by throwing out those Q's preemptively is key.
(tip: although Cassiopeia has no "channels", silencing the ground aiming more towards your side, significantly reduces her DPS)
SAFE LANE: A midrange matchup where Soraka excels in if played correctly. Once you see him casting his Dash and you know you're about to get hit with it, preemptively cast Starcall on your own hitbox to guarantee hitting him.
(tip: if you can predict him using his Chronobeak, consider preemptively silencing him to shut him down)
SEMI-UNSAFE LANE: Fizz is the outplayer here, so don't make crazy engages unless you're baiting him for your jungler. If you can manage to predict when he's about to Q you, you can cast Q on yourself to ensure you hit your starcall. If you feel stressed to hit your Starcall, rather wait out his Playful Trickster ability, to then punish him with a Starcall or 2.
(tip: if Fizz has targeted you/a teammate with his Ultimate, and you know the distance of his Q range, consider silencing to avoid him from full-on bursting that player. A good Equinox here can even root Fizz if placed correctly)
Although an assasain, he barely oneshots (as long as you have barrier/ultimate up. You could take exhaust into this matchup.
SEMI-UNSAFE LANE: If your reflexes are fast enough to cancel his E chargup, you win. If not you lose. For the rest just farm and cutely poke him with Summon Aery
HIGH RISK LANE!: After being a Soraka mid-enjoyer, i one trick Irelia. A good to average Irelia player already holds the power to just stomp you if you misstep. Look over to her trying to set up minions to get free dashes onto you. Don't force fights and try to focus on leveling up and helping your team.
(tip: you can cancel her Defensive Stance if you want her to become vulnerable to your teammates)
SAFE LANE: If you both hit your Q's onto each other, you both take no damage. Kassadin shields the damage while Soraka rejuvenates it.
Boring laning phase but it's kinda funny. He doesn't win from you but don't try to provoke fights either as once you misstep (enemy jungler arrives), he can snowball..
(tip: know Kassadins' R cooldown on lvl 6,11,16. When he's commiting a chase, silencing his next R and slowing him can be crucial to win that trade)
SAFE LANE: Surprisingly, she's not that big of a threat.
Dance around her blades she tosses to the ground. Don't get hit by them. If she obviously wants to teleport to one of her blades, Q preemptively to that place.
(tip: yes you can silence her ult, but don't only preserve it for that. Shutting her down means placing an equinox on her dagger that she clearly wants to jump on. she ends up rooted and takes a guaranteed Q)
UNSAFE LANE SKILL BASED: LeBlanc threatens a lot of damage early on and is very elusive because of her dash.
Trading can be tricky, but if you're the one with a bigger brain and predict her movement (dash), you'll be fine (still a LeBlanc favored matchup).
SAFE LANE: Midrange matchup that's easy to win against. You outtrade her little trades.
As long as you're not making yourself gankable for her jungler you win.
SAFE LANE: Don't let her push you in your turret. You can trade well against her but be careful of Lux ignite players.
FARMING LANE: The main problem with this matchup is that this guy pushes a bit too hard. Soraka has problems farming in lane, and Malzahar makes it unbearable, resulting him getting stronger and you weaker without the need of kills.
Try to balance his pushing by mirroring him: whenever he uses E and his Voidlings, start Q'ing the minion waves aggresively (2 Q's on backrow minions when Q is at lvl3)
Your main goal is to have the wave in the middle.
(tip: also, you can silence his ult to save other teammates, but not yourself (unless you really time the frame right which is so hard to pull off and requires a lot of prediction skills).
SKILL LANE: Beware of getting rooted since you'll lose half of your HP.
You can Q her clones to still profit from rejuvenation.
FARMING LANE: Your goal is to just farm as good as her.
SKILL LANE: You can play this safe (preferred), but you have the ability to match her. If she has her passive up don't come close to her, positioning is key to this matchup. You do win a lot of trades though with a well placed equinox.
You outrange this guy easily. Beware of his Flash + Stun combo. It sets up a nasty kill if his jungler comes . Vision is key in this matchup.
One of the hardermatchups because it's hard to land your Q on her (She dashes too much man..)
Silence yousrelf the moment she dashes towards you and move away from any walls, rivers or grass. This way she can't ult you effectively.
Perhaps you can buy Zhonya's (first stack Seekers' Armguard) against her if there are more AD champions in her team.
Safe lane for real. His ultimate is only scary if you misstepped.
Really boring lane... She is the aggressor though. So respect her when needed and Q her if she tries to proc her passive on you.
You both heal like maniacs.
He's probably gonna take antiheal though, so in the lategame he'll outscale you. Early game is safe because you both keep healing through poking.
Save your Q's for if he wants to dash onto you. Equinox him after 1 second of him casting his E. This way he loses the Recast on his E2 and can't engage anymore.
He doesn't have a real ultimate against you, since your ultimate doesn't deal damage.
She won't kill you if you have good movement. Obviously the fact that you rush Ionian Boots of Lucidity means you can more easily dodge her abilities.
Your barrier and ult together nullify her burst potential from her all-in combo.
If you see her closing in to Q on you, Q back. If her Q hits you, your Q heals you back and ends up you winning the trade.
She clears the waves too quickly.
This means worse farming under turret and less prio mid for your team (she can gank bot/top and win scuttlecrab fights.)
Her E W combo also hurts... a lot.
Twisted Fate
He outroams you and the laning phase is boring. You outrange him so if hes picking a card and heading towards you, Q him. He's a helpless dog really.
Probably AP Varus. The only reason why I put him so low is because once AP Varus lands his ult on you and you Equinox his charging Q, he has nothing (except his E which is still decent damage). Just repeatedly silence his Q charge ups and you're good to go.
If he puts a cage around you, he's gonna be so tunnel visioned on hitting you with his Q and W. Therefore you can easily land your own Q and use that movement speed to sidestep all his abilities. I swear its an ez matchup. Just visionate so that Veigar's cage isn't an opportunity for their jungler to gank you.
You can also just silence him when he puts the cage so he won't be able to use his abilities for a while. At the time he steps out of your E, his cage probably already has dissipated.
Nothing too crazy. Just the fact that he can shove waves pretty quickly and Soraka can't farm that well under turret. Respect his range
Played twice against her. She's sooo bad against Soraka. Her ult barely gets resets, because of your ultimate and barrier
In lane, focus on how she's positioning herself. She's looking for opportunities to use her E at max range, in order to deal a lot of burst. If she misses her skillshots, get close to her and annihalte her with basic attacks and your own Q. You win the trade.
Still, don't underestimate her snowball potential. Do not feed her at all cost
Viktor has medium range and so does Soraka. If he tries to beam you with his laser ability, poke him back with your own Q.
Do not stand too close: you wouldn't want him to use Q on you (it gives him a shield, basically nullifying your own damage of your Q)
Both heal maniacs
Main difference is that Vladimir will scale the hell out of you especially if he takes antiheal. Don't give him early kills, Q him when he tries to move in closer to Q on you.
This guy is a nightmare and is another reason to rush Lucidity Boots so you can dodge abilities and have flash/barrier more often.
He pushes too hard and that's a problem for Soraka
You can cancel his Q and R.
He counters you.
If you didn't ban him, you can survive by being very passive. This means you should only Q when he starts dashing towards you.
If you're planning on hitting him with your Q, try to Not fully cover your Q on him. Basically, there is this "core"' in your Q, which is the star. If that star gets blocked, your entire ability gets blocked. The star is in the middle of your Q, so don't let that get blocked by his windwall and aim more towards yourself.
Yasuo's lil bro. This guy is less oppressive than him, but in teamfights he is a nightmare.
Q him whenever he casts his Q3 towards you. Equinox yourself while he's in his Spirit form.
Whenever he ults you, know that he appears BEHIND you. Equinox behind yourself so he can't instantly combo the hell out of you.
Force him to stay in the Equinox zone by running around it until it has disappeared (his ultimate should almost wear out by then).
You can buy Zhonya's in this matchup, but honestly it's not worth it. You can just use the Equinox trick if he focuses you in teamfights, basically making your teammates focus an ability-less Zed.
This matchup is lowkey satisfying, because Zed will be so frustrated seeing you win this.
After level 3 you should be a bit more cautious though. If you're around 50%hp, just back. Or play extremely safe
Another great reason to buy Boots (dodge abilities).
He pushes fast. Not good for our girl Raka.
Boring lane and safe lane.
Just beware if she's out of vision. You don't have mobility so if she bubbles you ,you're in for a load of damage.
If she R's in your face, you'll get a free Q heal.
Jungler with CC --> Confirm root on your E.
Diana ulting a group of champions? If you land your silence and your Q on them as well, they are DONE for. The most beautiful combo there has ever been. I love me a good Diana.
As long as Ekko communicates where he uses his windup thing, and can actually land it, it's a confirmed kill or at least a fat flash waste from enemy team
Solid if she hits her cocoon. You can root them guaranteed and she'll have even more time attacking them, which guarantees the kill.
Guaranteed root if she charms the enemy. Root --> death
They will take antiheal if you play Soraka with Fiddle. Prevent this combo.
Gankwise he's actually solid. His fear leads to a root, which leads to a full W of Fiddlesticks, basically guaranteeing the kill.
Gankwise, no.
Fights for scuttle crab etc are actually solid with Graves, especially since you heal him by a lot and an extended fight means he'll stack more and more armor in the fight.
Nothing interesting
No. You both deal no damage. You 2 should peel your entire team (hopefully with 3 carries).
Jarvan IV
His knockup guarantees root.
If he ults multiple people, you can E in his terrain to ensure they all get rooted and silenced as well. Really strong set up.
I'm assuming it's Red Kayn since it's the only viable form in Ranked.
Yeah they both synergize well, but the fact you both heal like maniacs, they will probably take antiheal. If the enemies take antiheal, it should only be for you, not for Kayn. So Kayn is basically collateral damage and the impact of both of you decrease by a lot.
In teamfights you work better together. After Kindred's ult disappears, immediately ult afterwards. This way your team has the upper edge.
Lee Sin
I mean if Lee Sin insecs towards you, you should preemptively place your E on where that enemy would land. You ensure a root, so if they got insec'd under turret its a guaranteed kill. Very niche tho.
Your E wakes up the enemies, so you can't "guarantee a root". Healing Lilia in teamfights is definitely crazy though, as she has a lot of movement speed and dishes out a lot of damage. Heal her when when she's retreating, so that she can jump back in with the movement speed and stacked Conqueror.
Master Yi
Good in teamfights together.
Nothing here.
Nunu & Willump
If he lands snowball, you can Equinox the enemy so they can't flash away from Nunu's Ultimate
Not enough damage for your CC chain to actually matter.
Good cc together, a good target to heal
CC chain, enough damage to finish them
.. meow?
People still play him?
Good CC chain, not enough dmg
not too much going on. good scuttle crab fights if he's not retarded
Surprisingly really good. You heal him extra when he's in his terrain, and your Q & E are guaranteed if he hits a good pillar.
CC Chain, Udyr deals enough damage for it to matter. In teamfights he really also needs the healing, focus on ulting him when he's low.
Strong CC Chain, the damage is there. Good way of picking someone off when E'ing her target that's getting ulted.
Looooove this combo with Viego. Peel for him and he can carry the game (if it's a good Viego obviously). The more resets he gets off, the higher the chance of winning, so seriously heal him at all cost.
CC Chain is there, damage is somewhat there.
CC Chain and guaranteed kill with Warwick.
Fine. Nothing interesting
Xin Zhao
Good target to heal in teamfights. Also, good CC Chain
Too much healing from both of you, they'll probably take antiheal
Definitely nice lockdown together.
Jungler with CC --> Confirm root on your E.
Diana ulting a group of champions? If you land your silence and your Q on them as well, they are DONE for. The most beautiful combo there has ever been. I love me a good Diana.
As long as Ekko communicates where he uses his windup thing, and can actually land it, it's a confirmed kill or at least a fat flash waste from enemy team
Solid if she hits her cocoon. You can root them guaranteed and she'll have even more time attacking them, which guarantees the kill.
Guaranteed root if she charms the enemy. Root --> death
They will take antiheal if you play Soraka with Fiddle. Prevent this combo.
Gankwise he's actually solid. His fear leads to a root, which leads to a full W of Fiddlesticks, basically guaranteeing the kill.
Gankwise, no.
Fights for scuttle crab etc are actually solid with Graves, especially since you heal him by a lot and an extended fight means he'll stack more and more armor in the fight.
Nothing interesting
No. You both deal no damage. You 2 should peel your entire team (hopefully with 3 carries).
Jarvan IV
His knockup guarantees root.
If he ults multiple people, you can E in his terrain to ensure they all get rooted and silenced as well. Really strong set up.
I'm assuming it's Red Kayn since it's the only viable form in Ranked.
Yeah they both synergize well, but the fact you both heal like maniacs, they will probably take antiheal. If the enemies take antiheal, it should only be for you, not for Kayn. So Kayn is basically collateral damage and the impact of both of you decrease by a lot.
In teamfights you work better together. After Kindred's ult disappears, immediately ult afterwards. This way your team has the upper edge.
Lee Sin
I mean if Lee Sin insecs towards you, you should preemptively place your E on where that enemy would land. You ensure a root, so if they got insec'd under turret its a guaranteed kill. Very niche tho.
Your E wakes up the enemies, so you can't "guarantee a root". Healing Lilia in teamfights is definitely crazy though, as she has a lot of movement speed and dishes out a lot of damage. Heal her when when she's retreating, so that she can jump back in with the movement speed and stacked Conqueror.
Master Yi
Good in teamfights together.
Nothing here.
Nunu & Willump
If he lands snowball, you can Equinox the enemy so they can't flash away from Nunu's Ultimate
Not enough damage for your CC chain to actually matter.
Good cc together, a good target to heal
CC chain, enough damage to finish them
.. meow?
People still play him?
Good CC chain, not enough dmg
not too much going on. good scuttle crab fights if he's not retarded
Surprisingly really good. You heal him extra when he's in his terrain, and your Q & E are guaranteed if he hits a good pillar.
CC Chain, Udyr deals enough damage for it to matter. In teamfights he really also needs the healing, focus on ulting him when he's low.
Strong CC Chain, the damage is there. Good way of picking someone off when E'ing her target that's getting ulted.
Looooove this combo with Viego. Peel for him and he can carry the game (if it's a good Viego obviously). The more resets he gets off, the higher the chance of winning, so seriously heal him at all cost.
CC Chain is there, damage is somewhat there.
CC Chain and guaranteed kill with Warwick.
Fine. Nothing interesting
Xin Zhao
Good target to heal in teamfights. Also, good CC Chain
Too much healing from both of you, they'll probably take antiheal
Definitely nice lockdown together.
+Lot of mana for a midlaner +Extreme lane sustain (heal) +Outplay potential underestimated +Self peel against divers +Level 6 early enables plays +CC Chain through Equinox
Since Soraka's kit is balanced around her support role, she thrives in the midlane. Short cooldowns, massive lane sustain and an increased mana pool is why Soraka has a stronger potential in the midlane (we are mainly talking about the power Starcall beholds as a trading ability). If played correctly, she even becomes the aggressor in certain matchups that seem absurd to think about (midrange matchups usually). What I've noticed a lot is that the enemy midlaner often seems to underestimate how much damage you deal/heal, which often causes them to misscalculate their trades and forces their early recalls. Soraka accesses level 6 faster, allowing you to change destiny of your losing lanes.
-NOT the damage carry -Forces enemies to buy antiheal - Wish requires your full attention after 6 -Crucial to land your Starcall -Long cooldown on Equinox -Farming has a big learning curve
Farming with Soraka is a bit differen than farming with any other champion. This is due to her having slow attack speed. However, one wave clearing tip is that once you acquire level 3 Starcall, you can clear caster minions with only 2 Q's. Optionally, you can pick one Attack Speed rune instead of Adaptive Force (champions like Ahri also do this). Next up, remember that Soraka doesn't deal damage later on (this is also not your job!). You have more freedom in positioning to land your Q's in teamfights as Soraka mid, but that doesn't mean that you should grief a whole fight over it: better safe than sorry. Although Soraka has roam potential, it is best to only "roam" using Wish. If she gets caught by the enemy Kha'Zix, it usually doesn't end well. To have consistent succesful ganks/skirmishes, you need to understand ALL the power that Equinox beholds and respect its long cooldown to ensure a succesful roam. Biggest con of Soraka mid is flaming teammates.
Summoner Spells
FLASH: This is just mandatory. Flash forgives you for getting caught, and also in a clutch, helps you finish off champions with a burst Flash Equinox play.
SMITE: I personally always take Barrier. It helps you stay alive while rejuvenating from your Starcall. It is basically raw damage reduction (doesn't get affected by Grievous Wounds), so you get the most out of your healing and negate their Ignite for the most part.
SALVATION(Passive): Salvation is really good for skirmishes in the early game. It ensures you'll be able to help your jungler in those scuttle crab fights, while the enemy midlaner still needs to catch up. You can use it without actively trying to heal teammates. Let's say you're getting ganked and your low health jungler is right behind you doing Raptors. You can use that movement speed to escape the gank without even needing to waste Flash. Salvation also helps her roam potential: if you see your toplaner getting low on health, you can get there at like double speed (especially if you already rushed Ionian Boots of Lucidity. That 70% movement speed boost will catch them off guard and won't give them enough time to ping enemies missing.
STAR CALL(Q): This is such a strong ability for midlane Soraka. As a support Soraka, you need to be willing to take damage from their support/adc if you're trying to go in for a trade. You can safely trade without causing too much of a ruckus in the midlane, unlike support Soraka, that will disturb the wave of her adc, as well as taking unnecesary damage or putting you & the ADC vulnerable because of her missing her Starcall. Put at least 3 points in this, so you are able to 2-shot all 3 caster minions with this ability (helps Soraka push waves significantly).
ASTRAL INFUSION(W): The only real downside is that Soraka only has 2 abilities in the early game, because this can only be used on allies. That is completely fine though, because the power that Starcall holds, compensates that. Put 1 point into this ability at level 3 though: skirmishes happen unexpectedly, and you need this ability more than you need a level 2 Starcall in those fights. In short, you NEED Astral Infusion to let your jungler tank more damage so they can deal more damage as well (especially if they have Conqueror: they can turn those early game fights quickly since Conqueror will provide a lot of damage and a small healing bonus). Max this after you already have gotten 3 points into Starcall, so you can 2-shot caster minions]] (I will keep repeating this). Both abilities hold a lot of power, but if you're confident about hitting the majority of your Starcall's, you should max Starcall instead, since Starcall also provides extra health to Astral Infusion if landed.
EQUINOX(E): Equinox... When I was new to League of Legends, I thought this ability was garbage. Small amount of damage, a silence for maybe half a second, long cooldown, ...
Now reflecting, this ability is the STRONGEST ability in the entire game. If you see certain champions that are trying to cast their core abilities (like a Diana jumping in to follow up with a Moonfall, you can preemptively silence the place where she's trying to jump to completely catch her off guard and shutting her down. Equinox is also, if not, the BEST follow up ability on a stunned unit, as it silences them once they're free to prevent a Flash or dash, and afterwards rooting for an additional second (even more, depending on points into Equinox. In lane, don't poke too much with this since this ability has a long cooldown and barely deals damage unless they get proc'd twice. Only poke with this when your opponent is a Malzahar so you can proc his passive, or if your enemy has the rune First Strike.
WISH(R): Soraka mid means you get solo XP. The more XP you accumulate, the sooner you get to Level 6. The moment you have leveled Wish, your map awareness will become key to victory. Look at top- and botlane to look for opportunities to use Wish. Usually, fights end up clutch in the early game, since there isn't a lot of item advantage going on. It's all about who counters who, and calculating that ones damage will kill the opponent faster than they will. Your ultimate ensures that your allies will win those clutch fights, as it gives even extra healing to low health allies (provides 150% healing). Your job this entire game is to peel for your carries, so focus on them winning their lanes. EASY way to stack Dark Seal and Ultimate Hunter.
Core 3 Items
Because Soraka has such high survivability in lane and has the ability to gain stacks globally because of Wish, Dark Seal is a guaranteed good pick. You will always start stacking once you hit Level 6. Do not take this as a starter item though: you need Doran's Ring damage bonus to minions in order to have a good cs score. Farming with Soraka is already hard enough.
After you bought Dark Seal, you should rush Ionian Boots of Lucidity. The main reason to buy these specific boots is NOT ONLY does Soraka have one of the lowest movement speeds in the game (325), but because of her getting acces to Flash and Barrier more frequently. This increases your survivability by a lot, which is good for if you have bought Dark Seal. It increases your Starcall and Astral Infusion spam in fights, which is all Soraka needs to do. Also solid because of her being able to dodge abilities in lane more consistently gainst e.g Syndra or Ziggs ...
This is Soraka's bread and butter. Always buy this item AFTER you have bought your Ionian Boots of Lucidity. Once Moonstone Renewer's passive is stacked, your healing becomes MASSIVE. Keep an eye out for when it's stacked, so that Redemption & Wish will heal your team even more drastically. The only exception why you should take Shurelya's Battlesong instead, would be if your team is lacking engage, or needs the ability to dodge crucial abilities (like Call of the Forge God).
After buying Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Moonstone Renewer and Dark Seal, you'll probably start playing more for skirmishes and supporting your team. Since Soraka can't farm waves quickly, it might be beneficial to buy Relic Shield or Spellthief's Edge. It gives you gold for supporting your team (which is your goal) and grants your team extra warding & control, which is usually the difference between winning & losing. You don't always take this though; usually you can just buy Redemption instead and farm up if the current state of the game allows that. If you do buy either Relic Shield or Spellthief's Edge, you can still farm up minions (even without Relic shiled charges) to get a stronger gold lead. xp. TIP: put 3 lvls into Starcall to ensure you can 2-shot caster minions.
Redemption grants Soraka HP, extra Heal & Shield Power and additional Ability Haste to spam Starcall & Astral Infusion more with. Those stats are all the things Soraka stands for. The biggest catch is Redemption's active. It calls down a beam of light that heals all allies DEPENDING on her level (another reason why being Soraka Mid is better than support). On other supports, it requires way more skill & RNG whether or not your allies will last long enough to benefit from the healing. With Soraka though, she can pretty much ensure her allies get healed off of it, as she can prolong the life of her allies through Wish and Astral Infusion (even Equinox helps prevent massive damage. After this item, you are free to build whatever you'd like (check the You can choose from: at the top of this guide).
Tips & Tricks
General Tips & Tricks
IMPORTANT CHAMP SELECT: Soraka mid doesn't deal damage, so don't pick her with the intent of "carrying the game through damage". When deciding to take Soraka midlane, make sure your team has at least ONE tank and TWO potential carries. At last, ask your support if they could play a damage based support in champ select (e.g Xerath, Brand, Senna, Zyra, etc...) or a tank if there aren't any.
Also, prevent to pick Soraka mid if you have a Vladimir, Kayn or any other heal maniacs in your team. Antiheal would otherwise have too much value for the enemy team.
IMPORTANT BUILD PATTERN: Don't play Soraka Ability Power focused, since her Abilty Power scalings on her abilities aren't really interesting (you can buy Zhonya's Hourglass as a situational item though). After you have bought the 3 core items, you can choose to buy whatever you like (preferably support focused items like Staff of Flowing Water / Ardent Censer).
IMPORTANT SETTING ON SORAKA: For better Map Awareness to get the most out of Wish, press |Escape --> Hotkeys --> Camera Control|. Here you can link each of your allies to see them. I highly recommend using following hotkeys to pare your allies with: |Shift1, Shift2, Shift3 and Shift 4| Shift is close to your left hand, where you control your champions with.
IMPORTANT USAGE OF ABILITY EQUINOX: Use Equinox on an immobilized enemy champion. This way you ensure they take 2 instances of damage, can't dash/ Flash away, and become rooted for an additional 1-2 seconds. This gives you and your ally enough time to finish them off.
IMPORTANT VISION TIP: when you ward your middle lane's top/bot bush, walk only at that side of the lane. Let's say you warded the top bush: if the enemy jungler wants to gank you from Topside, you see him before they can gang up on you. If the jungler comes from the Botside instead (while you only had vision of your Topside), then DON'T run straight to your turret. Instead, get in your own jungle and kite them with Starcall until you arrive to your own turret.
IMPORTANT WAVE MANAGEMENT: Don't use Starcall to poke the enemy midlaner while inside their minion wave. If you do, you will ruin the entire wave and it will start pushing to the enemy's side. You can easily get ganked that way. Always try to have the wave in the middle, preferably at your side (unless you know you have good vision of where the enemy jungler is.
IMPORTANT MIA RULE: Laning against Soraka is boring. Most of your matches, the enemy midlaner will seek to roam instead, because they barely have kill potential if you know what you're doing. You NEED to ping your teammates the moment you don't have vision of your midlaner.
IMPORTANT TILT-PROOF RULE: There are a lot of narrow-minded people in League of Legends. Sometimes, one of your team members will get mad at you for locking Soraka mid. Just let those poor souls be bothered really... If they "reported" you for taking Soraka mid and you weren't toxic (don't engage on their toxicity), the system will detect you didn't do anything wrong and automatically disprove their report.
Report them instead, because the amount of feedbacks I got for a verified report penalty, really does make my day(โโฟโโฟ).
Also, don't forget to have fun :). Soraka mid brought me so much joy that I even started learning BBCoding to make this guide for you. Special credit to jhoijhoi for making video's and guides on how to BBCode.
You can always add me! I play in Euw West with username Lucid Walking. :)
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