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Soraka Build Guide by souleater98

Support Soraka - make them rage

Support Soraka - make them rage

Updated on January 2, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author souleater98 Build Guide By souleater98 7,613 Views 0 Comments
7,613 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author souleater98 Soraka Build Guide By souleater98 Updated on January 2, 2018
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Summon Aery
Manaflow Band

Font of Life


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


Threats & Synergies

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Soraka is one of the few Champions that is available for 450 IP and is most efficient as support in Botlane. Not only is she a great Healer she's also a really good carry, especially when it comes down to lategame where one little fight can decide who's gonna be victorious.

Let her guide you to Victory
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Soraka is a champion that can carry a team from an almost hopeless game to a win if the abilities and Items are used correctly in fights.

Her most important Items for me would be the following:

The reasons for me to say those are the most important Items:
  • Eye of the Oasis Warding always has top priority as support, to be able to give your team enough vision in your own or the enemy jungle can decide between getting killed or getting a kill. Also the new passive of this Item is very useful for Soraka in laning phase. The fact that you get gold and mana coins is really good for sustain in lane and you'll be able to collect quite some gold over the time. After the item is fully charged you'll get a little potion which allowes you to level up one of your skills after you consumed it, which means instead of finishing leveling up your abilities at level 18 you're already good to go at level 17.
  • Redemption Even though Soraka's Ultimate Wish heals everyone it still is a usefull Item, especially when you're not able to join a fight in time, which gives your Team even more sustain than it already has with all her healing. Another good point is that this Item will give you 10% more healing power which really helps Soraka in keeping her ADC and the rest of her team save.
  • Warmog's Armor This Item works incredibly well on her due to Soraka having to give up her own Health with Astral Infusion. In situations where you have to heal a lot, for example an intense Teamfight, you will probably not be full health at the end of it. With the help of Warmog's Armor you won't have to back in important situations like lategame pushes or taking objectives like Baron Nashor

All the other Items like Knight's Vow, Randuin's Omen, Abyssal Mask etc. are Items which work well on Soraka, they are not necessary though, so if you feel more comfortable with like a Locket of the Iron Solari instead of a tanky Item like Spirit Visage that's totally fine to build. It also always varys on the Team your facing and with whom you're playing when it comes to choosing your Items. Yet the best thing is always to kinda go with your gut feeling.
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Skill Sequence


Q - Starcall
W - Astral Infusion
E - Equinox
R - Wish

As seen above maxing out the W as full support Soraka is important. You're there to keep your ADC alive and the higher level your Astral Infusion is, the shorter the cooldown. Although you should always start with Starcall level 1 so you can zone and poke the enemy champions and heal yourself up if you've taken some poke.

For the skill sequences of Starcall and Equinox it's probably best to skill Starcall up first due to it's effect of healing you and slowing enemy champions that get hit which gives you a little ammount of crowd controle and more sustain. Skilling Equinox first is probably not the wisest choice even though it can be a really useful spell. Yet the amount of times you'll use Equinox compared to Starcall is rather small. An acceptable option would be to skill them rotatory.
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The most fitting and useful Spells on support Soraka are Flash and Exhaust.

  • This spell is a must have for Soraka (or better to say like almost every champion in League). Due to her low mobility and no hard cc she's an easy target for assasines like Rengar, Kha'Zix, LeBlanc etc. and that's where this spell will help you getting out of sticky situations. Reaction time and paitience is the key to using Flash properly yet you have to be aware of the long cooldown. Once you used it you'll be vunerable for quite some time.

  • Although it got nerved quite a lot a few patches ago, Exhaust is still the best fitting Spell for Soraka. It can determine the outcome of the early game fights drastically and in late game it's really useful against the strong or fed opponents. If you have the Spell available don't try to hold it for as long as possible. The cooldown of Exhaust is quite short compared to your Flash so use it if necessary, don't hesitate even if the enemy backs off after using your it. Saving your ADC is top priority here.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author souleater98
souleater98 Soraka Guide
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Soraka - make them rage

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