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Soraka Build Guide by gwbisrael

Support Soraka Season 7 Patch 7.9

Support Soraka Season 7 Patch 7.9

Updated on May 10, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author gwbisrael Build Guide By gwbisrael 10,031 Views 0 Comments
10,031 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author gwbisrael Soraka Build Guide By gwbisrael Updated on May 10, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Hi. I'm a support main PH Server starting latter part of Season 6 until now. I made this guide because of the fact that most of the players in this server doesn't want to support. They usually would go top, midlane, or even jungle. I once played Talon on ranked and my teammates can't kill the ADC of the enemy's side where Soraka is their support. I can 1v2 them but the only problem is that I can't be all in the lanes at the same time. I think that a good support could change an entire game. I picked Soraka because of her global ult, unlimited heal while regenerating her health using Starcall, movement speed boost during teamfights (because of your teammates low in health) to position better, the abusive power of silence for those gap closer enemies that would go to your ADC. I main Soraka, played around 40 games and got to level 7 mastery of her, and now around 89k champion points.
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Pros / Cons

    High sustain in lane
    Global Ult
    Increased movement towards low health allies
    Heal for 2s (max level)

    Targeted in teamfights
    Needs mana regeneration
    Needs better positioning in teamfights
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League of Legends Build Guide Author gwbisrael
gwbisrael Soraka Guide
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Soraka Season 7 Patch 7.9

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