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He got lifesteal, just outlifesteal him and win, btw you're in botlane, this darkin is never going to see you
She can charm your support, and only your support, if it's a rakan you should just ff at 15
To deal with ahri, just silence her with your E, when she has her charm up just try to dodge it and it's game
Just E when she's in her smoke area, you will have plenty of time to run away behind your teamates
If akali has a skin tho, just question ping mark your midlaner
Bring a barbecue and he's gone, brand is a good support for this matchup
Play some Billie Eilish
Pick brand yet again, ice doesn't beat fire in pokemon
If you call the FBI Annie players might get banned, which means you get a nice 4v5, especially if she's in your team
Aphelios isn't even close to a threat, honestly this guy gets hella nerf, next patch you won't even have to worry about him since he's just going to get removed from the game
Ashe is complete **** she clicks W on you, just retaliate and spam Q and E to both silence and heal, tell your support to do something in this matchup. Also contact riot and ask them why tf did they buff her
Aurelion Sol
You are a STAR CHILD, this guy is made of stars, i think we know where this is going, don't even attempt to fight this guy
Honestly Azir is a pretty rare pick, you won't have too much problem facing him since you can just silence him.
If he builds AD run away
this guy, what can i say? Bard is an S+ threat, why? he got portals that you can go through, it's 100% of the time a bait, never go through them
This is already your support half of the games, wdym this is a threat?
To counter blitz, go behind minions and think about his hook timers, usually back after 14 seconds of last hook, just on his behaviour you can see if he has it up
if this song is played with a Brand on the map you instantly die, don't play initial D on this one, it will lead you to your doom
He ain't a threat, you don't shoot projectiles except from the clouds, he useless
The queen of botlane, just surrender at 15 if you don't want a bad time
To counter just stay aware from her traps, caitlyn is usually pretty weak when she doesn't build lethality, what will kill you are the roots, don't get rooted and you fine
Camille is a top laner 98% of the time, what do you want me to say about her?
Wow E go brrr
Goats are naturally scared of snakes
If you see where this is going, well you should just beware of Cassiopeia
Just don't let her Q hit you and you should be able to heal the poison
Cho'gath is 100% of the time not your problem, if your dumb top laner fed him you will lose the game. it's tanky and you can't do anything about him
Just report your top laner if this guy is fed. if not, honor them
Imagine playing Corky in 2020
The hand of noxus, Darius, Will make your life a nightmare, while you regen he will make you bleed, stay away from him and try to kite, don't let him grab you, or it will be your doom
You're a star, she's a moon, one is clearly more powerful
Diana can be tricky with her Q, but don't stand too close to her and you should be fine honestly
Dr. Mundo
he regens more than you. Yeah that's about it, run away from him, he got spirit visage and will make your life a living hell
So a neat trick in beating draven, when his axes are in the air, just Q where it will land or close to it, you will get free regen, but yeah, it's a pretty hard matchup
Ekko has technological advantage, you have stick, did you see his weapon?
Don't get slowed too hard by him and you should be fine you can also anticipate his ultimate pretty easily, just look at his hp and E where he will go, perfect root so your team can maul him
It's a spider
I ain't touching any of her, no way sir, stay the hell away from her
Don't be too agressive with elise
If you see a heart above your head, run. Control wards and oracle lens are pretty good in this matchup
Don't let her seduce your support
His poke, his goddamn poke, if you see him engage, engage in return, you heal what he damages, and then you run away
he heals, you click E
fiddledicks can't suck the life essence out of ppl if he can't speak, remember that kids
Write baguette, omelette du fromage in chat, that should tilt them, easy matchup
Her parry can be tricky but if she has it down, you can easily go on the offensive
This is a demon if fed, stay away from this
Either fizz is a chewing toy or he makes you a chewing toy, usually try to silence so the better players will deal with him, he will try to hit the backlines with his dashes so be prepared to root and slow
this is 33 feet tall, how is a star the size of my foot going to hurt Galio? he even has a magic shield built in his kit
Galio will probably never be a big problem to you, as always with abilities like his ult, anticipate the Q+E combo at the best right time
Just be careful of his barrels, if you see a barrel with low hp and Gangplank is going to engage just try to run away, he will spawn another barrel to combo you, try to snipe his barrels when he his busy csing
he spins, you root him. Play the intro to beyblade and you good
Gnar is one of those threats you don't really see often, just Q+E when he is in the middle of the crowd, that should shut him up
this guy is as much of a threat as big his lore is
Be careful of his ults, he can disrupt your teamfights, that is all
where is the cigare?
Graves won't do much to a Soraka, just be careful of his nearsight ability and you should be fine
This guy goes fast, initial D really helps to outrun him
If you see him charging Q where he will go, this should give you time to run away, if he catches up, E so he will get rooted
This is a tough matchup, turrets are so goddamn annoying, honestly try to peel his turrets that is all
Destroy the tentacles, this isn't some weird japanese anime
She outscales pretty hard, She will 1v5 your team, if you are able to catch her with your root it might bring her down, stay away from Irelia
Trees are apex predators
His name is ivern the cruel, run tf away
If you see his shield up, just move away from it, it's his only way to damage you, literally
Dodge her tonardoes and you should be fine, she will usually go in bushes or in the fog of war, just know that if you don't see Janna, she's planning something
Jarvan IV
If he ultimates you, you can E him, he won't be able to do a thing while your team can help you, honestly jarvan can't do that much, if you see his flag E where it is so if he dashes he will get rooted
always with characters with dashes, Q+E where he will land so you can heal and root, silence is a really good weapon against jax
Jayce does basically nothing, just write Viktor was right in chat and you should be fine
his poke is annoying tho, engage and he will run away
So jihn is a tough cookie, if you see that he has 1 bullet left, just run away, don't get hit by that, it will do loads of damage
If you are able to get close to him while he ults, E and he gone :)
Dodge her W and you should be fine, minions are a good tool against jinx, just poke and in the long run she will be gone
A good Kai'sa is a dead Soraka
Her W is her strongest weapon, if you want to recall, move a bit further
Try to predict where she is going to land, that is all
Seriously why did riot buff her for once and then nerf her right away? for once she got love
Her root is annoying, but so is yours, if she wants to root you, you bring her to hell with you
This is a joke
He ultimates, you ultimate
Kassadin is a really strong champion, but he can't dash forever, while you run faster with your Q you can predict his dash with your E
Katarina usually wants to jump in the middle of fights and ultimate, she can't ultimate if silenced
If you messed up the silence, you done goof
Kayle is useless until lvl 16
When she's lvl 16 you lost
He roams alot, but he can't get his passive if he can't hit you, hide under tower if you see a kayn nearby, if he ults you or an ally always predict where he will land with your Q+E
You're squishy, be careful
Kennen does nothing if silenced (like all champions if you think about it) if you see him jump in for his ultimate just shutdown him with the usual E
He hurts, you squishy, yeah this is big brain time
Kindred is one of those champs where, if they got a good early you dead, if not they bad
If you see a mark of the kindred on you or your support, a gank is coming your away, be passive and wait for it to be gone
Inform your teamates about the kindred mark
Kled is pretty strong, honestly you should just poke and run away
'invade ionia they said'
Kog'Maw is a pest, pre lvl 6 he won't do THAT much damage, so you should poke him down, when he gets his ult just look at his mana and you should have a decent idea if you should engage or not
She jumps on people with her W, she can't go back if she's silenced, she's squishy, you know what to do, click E where she will go
This, this is annoying, she doesn't die and she stuns, just poke her down since she has no mobility
The ice witch, if you have brand on your team, no more ice witch
If she ults herself, you can root her with E when she gets up
write in chat: you're just a bootleg Ekko, plus your wife is dead
He might quit the game or carry the game
wait senna is out of the lantern? say it anyways
lulu has to get close to you if she wants to do abilities, if you see her engage just silence and run away, she does loads of damage, so you should be careful
This is who you ban
everybody and their mom plays lux, you either ban a mid laner or support or Bot laner
Lux players are all the same, if she lands her Q she will R right after
If he doesn't have ult up, he will do nothing, if he does, don't get grouped up with your team, cause it will be your downfall
Poke him with Q when he has his shield up so you can silence him, he will always try to silence you too tho, so this is a 50/50 matchup
Trees are so weak, it's hilarious how bad they are, unlike ivern this guy is useless, stay away from bushes
Master Yi
Your game is over if you see a yi with a 17/2/4 KDA, try to silence and root him when he goes out of his Q, that's your only chance
Your Q won't slow him when he's in ult
Miss Fortune
The best adc around at the moment, try to disrupt her strut with Q or E, if she engages you can Q her
If this guy is in your game buy a quick silver sash, you will be able to get out of his ult
This champions is annoying to face against, try to remember her Shields timing (around 18 seconds) so you can engage with your Q and E
Her poke is annoying, be careful around Nami
If nasus is fed, blame your top laner, if not, then this guy is useless
One of the most annoying supports in the game, E if you think he's going to hook you
If you dodge her combo she is donezo
fk Nidalee her spears are broken, hide behind minions
Your squishy, this guy will target you with his R, buy a zhonya's hourglass
Nunu & Willump
he isn't that much of a threat if you silence his snowball
Brand is always the answer
Olaf is unkillable, the nord god will make you wish you never played league
"sky's rim belongs ot the nords"
Never saw an Orianna, this doesn't really exist
She's a steel type call Brand
Yeah Ornn is a big threat if he is pretty fed, good bulk and damage, be careful in teamfights with this guy, if you can silence him when he ults that could be perfect
pantheons are... uh... they go 0/15 and say it's winnable
Don't go in his W range, always look at your map if he ults behind your team in teamfights
Poppy isn't that much of a threat, she's hard to kill but apart from that she doesn't do much, she will disrupt your frontline, so if you see her preping her ult silence her if possible
Pyke is annoying, if your hp is pretty low stay away from pyke, you can disrupt his hook with your silence
With Qiyanna you just have to be far away from walls, in dragon fights she will make your life a leaving hell, Qiyanna is in that teamfight, just abandon dragon for now
Quinn's don't do that much, they are on the more weaker side of the spectrum, just be careful if you get nearsighted by her
Rakan is a character that can be played pretty aggressively, if you see him try to airborne you, just E, he won't be able to dash to an ally and he will get clapped
wtf is this, did you know that this is a female? bro in waifu tier lists, how is this even comparable to Soraka or Caitlyn?
destroy her tunnels by stepping on them
He can 1v5 you, blame your top laner if you die from him
Ward bushes, this cat will make your squishy life a living hell, if you see a mark above your head run away and E where you stand
She has plenty of dashes but she usually isn't much of a threat if you do the usual Q+E combo
I'm not even sure what rumble does, legends say that rumble was never picked
his ult is the only thing that can makes him decent, if you can, dodge it
He will get reworked pretty soon, so i won't bother telling you how to counter him
Brand will kill this thing oneshot
I'm tired ok? almost done with this list anyways, if you think about it, just Q+E ANY CHAMPION AND YOU WILL DO SOMETHING, THE POINT OF THIS BUILD : AUTO ATTACKS, LIKE WHAT DO YOU WANT MORE FROM ME??
Senna is broken, dumb patch, only 3%, almost as ridiculous has the -3 armor on blitz
engage when you see a soul on the ground
This is apparently a support in some games, if you see a sett just cry and beg for mercy until you have the blade of the ruined king + hurricane
He can one shot you
He will one shot you
If a shaco is around, you should just run away
Shen doesn't do much to you, so yeah, kill shen with auto attacks and boom, shen no more
If she doesn't build AP don't even think of her as a threat, if she builds AP you better get the f out of there while she's in dragon form
Gas Gas Gas i'm gonna step on the Gas tonight something something
another song from initial D, play it if a Singed is in the game
Don't run towards Singed
If this is inting Sion, don't kill him, cause he wants to die, mind game him
Sion doesn't do much except his Q dodge it and you goochy
She does damage, dodge Q win lane
This isn't even a champion, honestly i'm sorry for every Skarner mains out there, wait you don't even exist anyways
One of the most no skill champions out there, If you see a sona buy an item with grievous wounds
I love playing Sona tbh
If she builds Virgin soraka build, this is an easy lane
If she builds Chad Soraka (this build) then ff at 45 mins
Irelia: haha hand go brrr
a fed swain can be unkillable, be sure to report your midlaner
this is just a bootleg morgana ult if you think about it, he's made of chains/shackles
sylas players will usually leave 2 minutes into the game
Just avoid her combo and you should be fine, morgana doesn't do much apart from Q + W, so if you see black balls on the map just try to go in an angle where they can't get you
Tahm Kench
This is a good ADC to play against
oh wait Tahm Kench doesn't exist in normal pvp
Who in their right minds wanted this character anyways? just like skarner mains, they don't exist
Talons are usually edgy kids, which means they play too much league for them, so either the talon will roll over your team or he will tickle you, just watch mid if he's gone, he's coming for you
his passive can be a pain, don't get comboed too hard
If you see a taric, just be careful, if he starts running towards you, he will try to root you, bait his Q and retaliate with your Q and poke from auto attacks
so yeah, pretty balanced champ in my opinion, if you didn't ban lux ban him
The virgin support, people always pick him, never saw why, idk just poke him down
If tristana is aggressive you should probably just quit the game while you're ahead, they are scary af
Trundles are pretty strong if fed, as i said 20 times already either blame your top if he's fed
Use B R A N D
When he's low on hp you silence him and he dies, can't ult if you can't speak
Twisted Fate
This, this is just, no, way too edgy, twisted fate is played by no one except some guy that probably drinks moutain dew and eats doritoes (yeah toes)
"I make them disappear"
If you see a twitch write that in All chat, stuff is about to go down
Udyr but he's just a guy, good video from RossBoomSocks
Udyr players are so fkn rare, in challenger only 2 were played, that's saying something
Urgot without pajama guardian skin is useless, not even a threat
'varus op' let's just nerf his ult, good idea riot, oh wait, lvl 16 it's the same thing, good fix 10/10
Varus is the arrow of retribution, can't retribute if he can't hit you HA, dodge him and win
Vayne is broken character late game, try to CC with your E, this is going to be needed in a vayne matchup, her early is weak, abuse her
Veigar is useless if silenced, so yeah click E and veigar go brrr
Vel'Koz has some pretty annoying poke, i mean if you want to dodge him try going inside his Q and now out of it, mix your movements
Vi just like poppy won't really do much, just be careful if she disrupts your frontline
If a Viktor is in the enemy team they lost
Vladimir is one hell of a broken champ under the right circumstances, thank god nobody is good with him
buy grievous wounds item
Call brand cause we got an ice boy right here
Steal warwick's blue buff and you should be fine, if he's silenced he can't much and it will stop his ult
Wukong is broken and needs to be nerfed, tell your team to deal with him
Xayah is the definition of perfection, all who hits her will die, Xayah is that good
Bully her Rakan if possible
Xerath is pretty annoying with his poke but you can stop him cold in his track if you silence him, he can't do much if you're close to him
Xin Zhao
This guy, if he tilts your jungler, you should just ff the game, if not, then just silence him
"Our Yasuo 2/13"
"Their Yasuo 15/1"
This is pretty true tbh
This is annoying, just poke the ADC long enough for Yuumi to finally W off and punish her
Zac will jump from anywhere just to gank you, that pretty much it, rest is useless
If zed is fed you lost the game, your zed is probably going to feed the enemy mid laner anyways
Ziggs is pretty annoying, just retaliate after he's done doing his attacks and you should be fine
Write a time pun in all chat and zilean should just leave the game
Just like Annie, call the FBI on the guy and you should get a 4v5
Even if he's on your team
This champ is annoying, dodge her Q and engage, she shouldn't be able to do much
Use brand, grass types are weak to fire
If Ahri is able to charm somebody you can quite easily Q+E them and then auto attack them into oblivion
Tbh Alistar won't die, that's about it, he can also heal you which is good for overheal
Bard is an apex predator. If he's with you, you will probably win fights, let him roam mid tho, the guy deserves it
Tell him to go full AP with smite and he should be the ideal teamate
If he goes for regular blitz, tell him to uninstall league
You get a brand on your team, you kill so many champions
Be friends with a brand main
Play Aram with a Braum player, tell him to feed a poro snax to a poro.
Braum can slow people, you can slow people down with your Q, this is going to be frisky
Apex predator will kill everybody in his path, if you have Ivern in your team, don't even cry in chat if he steals kills, if you get kills just know that Ivern let you have them
Janna can be good if she lands her Q. if not then it's like, kinda wack
her shields can really help you in your engaging endeavors
Both of you can root, if she's able to root an enemy you can Q+E the enemy right away and get a nice free kill or you can burn their summoners off
she will do nothing to help you, 20 minutes into the game she will land her first stun
why would you ever pick Leblanc support to help Soraka adc?
Write that in chat and let the salt sink in
Good champion to work with, she can chip hp like a goddess and she can be pretty useful all around
This champion is already banned
Tell your "support" lux to go away from the lane and to never come back, they will steal your kills
honestly just bully them all game, if they pick Lux it's because they didn't want support that game and are sad that their role got stolen, fk lux
They always try to steal kills, always
If they have the chad Lux skin, let them be the ADC
Morgana has a really good synergy with Soraka, she can root, shield from spells and peel, engage with your morgana and you should win trades
Nami can be pretty good if she lands her Q's, her E can empower your auto attacks and her W can heal for a decent amount, honestly Nami is a fine support
You don't really need champions that can grab enemies, they can help you land some nice kills tho
Tell him to play river Pyke so he can fish, it's fine if he doesn't come in lane
you're playing chad Soraka you don't need one of those champions that can grab others, such a cheap tactic
If you have a Rakan as a support, you are in business, tell him to build Rakan of the void, it's a real good item set composed of
Sorcerer's shoes, Ardent Censer, Rabadon's Deathcap, Zeke's Convergence, Luden's Echo, Morellonomicon
You will win lane
Why is this even a support in some games
They will cry if they see a Sona Soraka lane, too much healing, yeah honestly grab a Sona support she can boost your damage with her Q and boost you with her E, her stun is also quite useful
Best support in the game
Tahm Kench
Tahm Kench will try to steal your kills and become the adc, tell your Tahm Kench to go afk
I mean if he can use his brain to Stun people at the right time then yeah, taric can be decent, plus his healing can be nice
Why is this also a support sometimes? after 15 mins he will steal everything if possible
his W is pretty good tho
Tell your yuumi to go afk and watch netflix while she sits on you. Yuumi gameplay in a nutshell
she won't really do much tbh, her ult can be nice tho
If Ahri is able to charm somebody you can quite easily Q+E them and then auto attack them into oblivion
Tbh Alistar won't die, that's about it, he can also heal you which is good for overheal
Bard is an apex predator. If he's with you, you will probably win fights, let him roam mid tho, the guy deserves it
Tell him to go full AP with smite and he should be the ideal teamate
If he goes for regular blitz, tell him to uninstall league
You get a brand on your team, you kill so many champions
Be friends with a brand main
Play Aram with a Braum player, tell him to feed a poro snax to a poro.
Braum can slow people, you can slow people down with your Q, this is going to be frisky
Apex predator will kill everybody in his path, if you have Ivern in your team, don't even cry in chat if he steals kills, if you get kills just know that Ivern let you have them
Janna can be good if she lands her Q. if not then it's like, kinda wack
her shields can really help you in your engaging endeavors
Both of you can root, if she's able to root an enemy you can Q+E the enemy right away and get a nice free kill or you can burn their summoners off
she will do nothing to help you, 20 minutes into the game she will land her first stun
why would you ever pick Leblanc support to help Soraka adc?
Write that in chat and let the salt sink in
Good champion to work with, she can chip hp like a goddess and she can be pretty useful all around
This champion is already banned
Tell your "support" lux to go away from the lane and to never come back, they will steal your kills
honestly just bully them all game, if they pick Lux it's because they didn't want support that game and are sad that their role got stolen, fk lux
They always try to steal kills, always
If they have the chad Lux skin, let them be the ADC
Morgana has a really good synergy with Soraka, she can root, shield from spells and peel, engage with your morgana and you should win trades
Nami can be pretty good if she lands her Q's, her E can empower your auto attacks and her W can heal for a decent amount, honestly Nami is a fine support
You don't really need champions that can grab enemies, they can help you land some nice kills tho
Tell him to play river Pyke so he can fish, it's fine if he doesn't come in lane
you're playing chad Soraka you don't need one of those champions that can grab others, such a cheap tactic
If you have a Rakan as a support, you are in business, tell him to build Rakan of the void, it's a real good item set composed of
Sorcerer's shoes, Ardent Censer, Rabadon's Deathcap, Zeke's Convergence, Luden's Echo, Morellonomicon
You will win lane
Why is this even a support in some games
They will cry if they see a Sona Soraka lane, too much healing, yeah honestly grab a Sona support she can boost your damage with her Q and boost you with her E, her stun is also quite useful
Best support in the game
Tahm Kench
Tahm Kench will try to steal your kills and become the adc, tell your Tahm Kench to go afk
I mean if he can use his brain to Stun people at the right time then yeah, taric can be decent, plus his healing can be nice
Why is this also a support sometimes? after 15 mins he will steal everything if possible
his W is pretty good tho
Tell your yuumi to go afk and watch netflix while she sits on you. Yuumi gameplay in a nutshell
she won't really do much tbh, her ult can be nice tho
So this Soraka build is pretty good endgame, if you are against tanky enemies build blade of the ruined kind first, btw tell your teamates that this isn't a troll pick
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