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Ability Order
Headshot (PASSIVE)
Caitlyn Passive Ability
Here's how I saw things for Caitlyn: Caitlyn a fast, Caitlyn with a critical chance and a high Caitlyn pulls with a force of interest. And the three combined give us:
- A chance to critque about 90;
- A rate of damage to 310;
- And a fast attack to 178;
So I think this combination mastery runes and items can be powerful and criticism regularly for maximum damage in a short time. Put it spells with Caitlyn and if all goes well, your enemy will not have time to do great evil and if unfortunately it happens to fall back, do little to worry because your ulti will be there for complete remote ^ ^.
- A chance to critque about 90;
- A rate of damage to 310;
- And a fast attack to 178;
So I think this combination mastery runes and items can be powerful and criticism regularly for maximum damage in a short time. Put it spells with Caitlyn and if all goes well, your enemy will not have time to do great evil and if unfortunately it happens to fall back, do little to worry because your ulti will be there for complete remote ^ ^.
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