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Vladimir Build Guide by Algalaz

Other Spell Vamp Vlad

Other Spell Vamp Vlad

Updated on June 27, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Algalaz Build Guide By Algalaz 9,649 Views 0 Comments
9,649 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Algalaz Vladimir Build Guide By Algalaz Updated on June 27, 2013
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As of now this guide is extremely incomplete, will be adding in-depth comments on everything soon.
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I chose these Runes due to the fact that you won't have any significant source of AP early on until you start building your Rabadon's Deathcap, so these should help you a lot in the early game giving you around 47 AP walking into lane. Also, the absence of boots means that movement quints are necessary.
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Like the runes, these masteries were chosen to give you an edge in the early game, as well as a movement speed increase.
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This Vladimir build is all about capitalizing on Vladimir's innate self-heals and using itemization to make them significantly better.

The Spirit of the Spectral Wraith is built due to its cost effectiveness, and Spell Vamp. Also, the 30% extra damage to monsters you get from the Spirit of the Spectral Wraith's butcher passive is effected by spellvamp, making it possible to do a clutch mode heal to get out of a major DoT or something by using Transfusion on a minion.

The Spirit Visage is probably the most vital item to this build, in addition to it's passive increasing your spellvamp, it also increases the innate healing from Transfusion, greatly increasing your overall healing done, and the other stats help quite a bit as well.

Rabadon's Deathcap 120 AP + a 30% Bonus of your total AP, need I say more?

Will of the Ancients is built pretty much solely for the spellvamp, if you are doing a duo que with someone, and plan on using this build, I would recommend asking them to buy a Will of the Ancients as well, as the extra 20% spellvamp the aura from theirs would give you is very helpful.

Void Staff is built for it moderate amount of AP, as well as it's Magic pen, since optimizing for Spell Vamp is the purpose of this build, your damage does suffer, the purpose of this is to make sure you are doing as much damage as possible.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter is essential because since you do not have boots, the slow will really help you chase down and kill enemies, and the HP and AP are nice stat boosters as well.
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Pros / Cons

Incredible duelist, having an extra stat item instead of boots makes you great at straight 1v1 dueling

Very high self heals

Slow movement speed can make it difficult to secure kills
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Algalaz
Algalaz Vladimir Guide
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Spell Vamp Vlad

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