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His knock up can ruin your E, alongside his knock back. He also is a heavy tank with an aoe knock up, so pulling him into your team in a team fight, causes a lot more harm than good.
Blitzcrank has an instant pull, while Pyke requires a charge, this opens up a window where you can be pulled, Blitz also features a knock up which can mess up hitting an E, or stop you from escaping with E. However, pulling him into your team can be beneficial as he only has an aoe silence, and isn't as tanky as other tank supps.
Lucian having a lot mobility, through both movespeed from w, and the dash in his e, allows him to dance around Pyke. Hitting a hook on him doesn't guarantee the stun if he has his dash. This is pretty dependent on the players, as both have kits that will destroy the other.
Senna has long range, good sustain, and a bit of cc. However, her cc and auto attacks both have a bit of a delay, giving Pyke a window to pull her. While getting hit by her root can mess up a stun, she's so squishy that getting a pull will open her up to being destroyed by your adc / team.
Bard is normally squishy, and has unreliable cc. This allows you to easily kill him with a hook, and he has almost no way to escape a stun, outside of Flash. You also are hard to hit by his ult as you have a gap closer in your E, and movespeed from your W.
Ashe has good range, and a lot of cc. Her slows allow you to line up hooks easier, while her ult stun can give you time to set up your own stun, or a hook.
Aphelios has decent range, a pinch of mobility, and a little cc. This all allows him to either follow Pyke into a fight, or help him set up a hook / stun.
As a naturally aggressive ADC. Draven fits with Pyke, dishing out solid damage and his aoe slow / displacement can help with hooks / stuns.
Ezreal is a poke style ADC who isn't super into All ins. Pyke is pretty much the opposite, as they have different goals, they don't work super well together.
Vayne and Pyke have a few distinct opposite abilities. Pyke pulls someone in, Vayne pushes them away. A single Vayne E can make Pyke miss a hook, or a stun. This is pretty much anti synergy as both champs have ways to mess up the other.
Ashe has good range, and a lot of cc. Her slows allow you to line up hooks easier, while her ult stun can give you time to set up your own stun, or a hook.
Aphelios has decent range, a pinch of mobility, and a little cc. This all allows him to either follow Pyke into a fight, or help him set up a hook / stun.
As a naturally aggressive ADC. Draven fits with Pyke, dishing out solid damage and his aoe slow / displacement can help with hooks / stuns.
Ezreal is a poke style ADC who isn't super into All ins. Pyke is pretty much the opposite, as they have different goals, they don't work super well together.
Vayne and Pyke have a few distinct opposite abilities. Pyke pulls someone in, Vayne pushes them away. A single Vayne E can make Pyke miss a hook, or a stun. This is pretty much anti synergy as both champs have ways to mess up the other.
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