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Azir Build Guide by NasseThePussySlayer

Support Supporting Shurima with the Birdie

Support Supporting Shurima with the Birdie

Updated on November 15, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NasseThePussySlayer Build Guide By NasseThePussySlayer 2,703 Views 0 Comments
2,703 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author NasseThePussySlayer Azir Build Guide By NasseThePussySlayer Updated on November 15, 2014
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Hi, I'm Nasse (TehPussaySlayer) and I've been maining supports for a while now. Azir caught my interest when I heard that he could be a good support. So I tried him out and found out that some certain Items are really good on this bird. I decided to make my first champion guide, hope you like it and feel free to tell me about your opinion ^^
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Laning Phase

Let's face it, wupport azir cant really do anything before he reaches lvl6. So you're gonna stay back and not go straight into fights unless you have your wall. Most people don't expect you to do a sick flash + ult combo at lvl6. Don't push unless you're told to. As a mage you are pretty fragile and have a hard time escaping ganks
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Pros / Cons

Good poke range
Can protect others with your ult
Your E works as a good gank escape adn gap closer

Has no shield/heal/buff for allies
Doesn't really have big crowd control
Takes practice to master
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Team Work

You and your adc should always tag team if you're up against a defensive team. If you're meeting an offensive team you should stay back in lane and just poke with your Q. If an ally is low on HP and chased my an enemy, don't ult directly on them, use your Q first to slow them and if they're still going you should ult.
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Unique Skills

Azir is a different support and champion overall because his attacks are based on his W. He isn't the kind of all-in support like Leona or Zac, he rather stays in the back and pokes through his soldiers. With my full item build you can at least take down the enemy adc to a dangerous amount of HP, even as a support. Azir has a lot of potential and it's a shame that he's so underestimated
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NasseThePussySlayer
NasseThePussySlayer Azir Guide
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Supporting Shurima with the Birdie

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