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Tahm Kench Build Guide by SeniorFight

Support Tahm Kench Support - The Hungry King of Saviors

Support Tahm Kench Support - The Hungry King of Saviors

Updated on August 25, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SeniorFight Build Guide By SeniorFight 1,951 Views 0 Comments
1,951 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SeniorFight Tahm Kench Build Guide By SeniorFight Updated on August 25, 2015
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The hell are you maxing?

That's what I get from people that see I max W (Devour).

It's because it's a very good way to not only poke, but also make great damage if you eat an enemy or simply want to save your adc early game.

After that, we need both Q (Tongue Leash) and E (Thick Skin) at the same level, because you need both slowdown and good tanky presence on your lane.
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Tahm Kench is already good at saving, is he still a threat for others on su

For early game, he will make enormous damage from close combat, and having his thick skin on, he's the most resistant double life champ in the game.

He will be most likely not focused alot because of his armors and the thick skin giving him his lost health back in a short time. That's the error people make early, as it's him the real damage on bot.

He can easly slow down people with his Q (Tongue Leash), and then using good boots he can rush into them, stack his passive, eat, split and redo this process indefinetly until his mana reserves get to 0.
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Pros / Cons

+ Easly save your teammates from any damage!
+ Very tanky
+ His ult is a perfect fast transport for you and your mate!
+ Great sustain even from level 1 to 6 without going back!
+ "A large man cannot be ignored"

- If caught, less likely to get out due to missing escapes.
- Fat = Slow! (Boots are required to fix this con)
- I don't see really what this op champ has wrong in it...
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SeniorFight
SeniorFight Tahm Kench Guide
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Tahm Kench Support - The Hungry King of Saviors

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