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Talon Build Guide by KIxYOSHI

Support Talon Enchanter Support

Support Talon Enchanter Support

Updated on July 29, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KIxYOSHI Build Guide By KIxYOSHI 932 Views 0 Comments
932 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author KIxYOSHI Talon Build Guide By KIxYOSHI Updated on July 29, 2023
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Champion Build Guide

Talon Enchanter Support

About Me
Hey, my name is Yoshua, and I've had my eyes on League since 2019. Though that might not be as long as some others, it quickly became a passion of mine. Playstyle wise I'm very casual and all for fun. Which is why I started coming up with funny, off-role off-meta Builds for various Champions. My main focus here are Support Builds, as that is my main Role. So if you're looking for funny weird Support Options, which will certainly not get you flamed in champ select (this is LoL, what do you expect?), then you've come to the right place...
About this build
This is just a fun build that's work in progress, so don't take it too seriously.
Pros and Cons


Playstyle Summoned Up


Other important things to keep in mind
Last Words
I hope you enjoy my small little guide to this funny Talon Enchanter Support Build.
If you have any further questions, additional ideas for the guide or would like me to further specify things, let me know!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KIxYOSHI
KIxYOSHI Talon Guide
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Talon Enchanter Support

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