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Wukong Build Guide by hypertsuna13

Jungle Tank Wukong Jungle 10.10

Jungle Tank Wukong Jungle 10.10

Updated on May 20, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hypertsuna13 Build Guide By hypertsuna13 6 2 27,974 Views 0 Comments
6 2 27,974 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author hypertsuna13 Wukong Build Guide By hypertsuna13 Updated on May 20, 2020
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Champion Build Guide

Tank Wukong Jungle 10.10

By hypertsuna13
W***up this is my dope Tank Wukong build. I'm top 500,000 NA (I know, I know, pretty impressive) and this is probably the best build for wukong jungle. Don't flame me and just try it out.
Wukong IMO is a pretty good jungler. He can clear pretty fast and can gank pretty well. Also, if he runs into an enemy jungler, he can get out pretty easily with his w.

Wukong's clear isn't that bad. His passive lets him tank and gives him sustain as it heals the more stacks it has.

You wanna usually always start red side. You wanna go red then go do chickens and smite the big one. Then go do your blue and then take wolves. You should hit level 3 from that and then you wanna either gank, take scuttle, or take gromp and back.
Wukong's engages are essential in a teamfight. It's really simple and super effective. The combo is E-W-R. See? Super duper simple. It should knock up at least 2 enemy champions and definitely guarantee a pick for your team.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hypertsuna13
hypertsuna13 Wukong Guide
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Tank Wukong Jungle 10.10

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