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he kills you in one q combo, build boots early and bring phase rush, this lane is really bad and you wont win at any point.
he q spams you early so bring nullifying orb and go merc treads, he has insane gank set up and a free escape so you dont win after 6.
Blind her after she uses her R because she can dodge your Q with her R and you win with PTA.
Tahm Kench
1 tongue and he slaps your ass with almost no potential to fight back if you dont want to die, now has a gap closer which doubles as a knock up just try to survive the lane and build boots.
at 6 you will always lose bait her q out early because they all try to q+stun+auto then E out her R will delete you every time you fight.
you win until 6 dont q his clone, when he hits 6 he will win because he insta procs conqueror with his clone R, you will outscale.
her blind beats yours you cannot win trades and she has cc+free speed on autos rush tabi and build zhonyas first.
he cant do anything to you without all inning so spam poke him and if he tries to proxy let him, proxy only works if he wastes your time and makes you lose exp/cs unless he does a double proxy which is certain death after one person recalls. Dont fall for his tricks and the lane is just free.
he cant really kill you at any point in the game but he is automatically more useful than you at 6 because of his cheesey global shield, easy lane just q when he empowers his autos.
spam poke her she will outsustain you but she will never kill you, one slip up from her and she dies.
never fight her at 6 but you can trade with her before then, build plated steel caps and kite back, bait her parry out and q her when she goes in without it at 6 she will have mercs and outsustain you with her true damage.
hes much easier after stridebreaker rework you poke him and he cant walk up, dont let him q you so save your blind for when he walks up.
warwick is easy just ignite him when he starts to get low because the only way ww top works is if you underestimate his insane lifesteal when hes low.
if you get hit by his dash you will die, build plated steel caps and dodge that and you win.
He isn't a hard lane, build plated steel caps and trade with him with pta, dont let him rack up his skarrel meter when you poke him down low enough.
auto attack champ, dont let her E you into a wall and you win every trade. stealth to assassinate her.
if he walks even somewhat close to you at lvl 3 back off because he will thwomp you to another realm, he always wins trades because he is rewarded for being braindead.
pantheon is easier post rework but still bad considering he has a point and click stun with free damage and an instant pta proc, blind him as hes about to jump on you.
you never kill her and she can cc you and delete your whole health bar with nothing built.
Illaoi is easy just stay in minions so she doesnt succ your soul and she loses every fight, dont underestimate her ult though.
rengar with bushes will poke the shit out of you and have no repercussions because he can double W away and lose no HP.
out pokes and outscales beats you at 6, annoying matchup bring press the attack and cutdown and dont die or you will lose all lane pressure and wont be able to come back if dove.
he outtrades with just Q+E because you cant auto him you dont win most scenarios unless jax misplays, build tabi and play extremely safe
Do not let him push you to turret you will get poked down under turret via rockets if you have bush prio you can win by assassinating him because hes squishy.
Dr. Mundo
you almost never kill him if hes smart just dodge qs because those chain and be careful about lining up with minions.
EXTREMELY misunderstood matchup, teemo loses if trynd runs ghost flash because teemo cant get away. start q to avoid cheese and try to get e before you start poking, start boots.
auto champ block his autos by standing behind minions and dont line up with walls and build plated steel caps.
you lose at 6 so try to kill before then, dont trade without being behind a minion because all his damage comes from q early game cuz he cant E without getting low.
rush boots, dont let him hit Q and kite back, bring cutdown press the attack, 1 hit q usually means you have to flash if hes 6 because %hp damage on his E and perma slow, max W second.
easy lane unless they are smart and max E and start Dorans ring, be careful at 6 as one misposition and getting withered will get you killed because just sheen and 100 stacks can beat Teemo in a stat check.
He will never kill you, get plated steel caps and poke him down any time he walks up to cs, dont get close enough to let him pillar you into him because he can get a lot of damage in a short amount of time.
cheese at lvl 2, kite back and blind his stun, never ever fight when hes 6 and remember turrets are disabled when this overloaded piece of shit champ presses R.
He will never kill you if you play smart, dont face check bushes as every single sion just camps them and charges q when hes 6 dont let him hit you with R because if he does ur cced for next 4 seconds. he will outscale you as a hyperscaling tank.
burst the shit out of him, bring nullifying orb and play around passive when trading, reworked rumbles overheat gets a lot of its dmg from autos so if your gonna trade when hes charging overheat blind him right when hes gonna auto you.
He wont kill you but he will be annoying, get boots and dodge his E so ghouls dont jump you dont let him wall you in because if hes 6 you die almost every time.
Remember, his pull range is the same as teemos auto attack range so fake and auto and bait out his E, he will never win a trade without it so its free if you dodge it.
he stomps your face in with q movement speed and you cant blind him because of his spell shield, lane is unplayable build plated steelcaps and prey your jg has a braincell left.
He kills you at 6 if your same skill level but if you can dodge his mace you stomp him because he does no dmg without it.
bully the shit out of him and starve him of minions/exp early, care at 6 when he will turn mega because thats when hes tanky and does a lot more dmg and has cc, NEVER FIGHT WHEN MEGA.
skill matchup, dodge E if not back off, shroom minion waves when she tries to life steal and dont fight when she has max passive stacks.
counterpick, get merc treads and build wits end first item, dont fight him when hes 6 he will always win and he out sustains you. Dont trade with him when he has max rage Q
if he wind walls your blind do not fight back off never fight in minions and play to poke off his shield dodge nados and you win.
Dodge chains and thwomp his ass into next dimension he loses all trades if you dodge the chain that pulls him into you and stealing your R does nothing for him.
Lethality does too much dmg on jayce and his ad scaling will 1 shot you in 3 abilities, never trade with him and rush zhonyas/tabi.
start cloth armor and outsustain him, be careful of barrel chains as they slow and give him hella dmg and ignite on gp+passive does 300 dmg so if he has the chance to auto you at 500 hp flash away.
Easier to fight yasuo, get tabi and abuse the fact his soul has to return and put a shroom on it, play around stealth then poking him and dont let him get his nado/ult off or you will die even if hes 0/8
bring pta and dont let him cheese you with stun, dont let him hit enraged q off you and poke him, you should win if enemy jungler doesnt camp the living shit out of you.
counterpick, bring nullifying orb build wits and merc treads and do not trade with him you wont ever win until teamfights happen.
Lee Sin
dodge q and you wont have a problem he has insane base damage so dont ever try to coinflip getting hit by his q. play around stealth poking
you lose at every point in the game this champion is bullshit and can cancel your blind 30 times going into stealth, build wits/mercs.
easy champ to fight blind when he goes in and kite back place shrooms on minions where hes pathing when he stealths into a wall so you can slow him and see his aura when you auto him.
insane sustain high base damage and good gank potential, you dont win bring nullifying orb and build mercs/wits into him.
you win at every point until he gets serylda where he will perma slow you with R and kill u in one ability.
freak champion with xin ult on steroids with 20 second cd, dont fight her in her circle because she gets insane base stats poke her when her W is down and you should win.
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