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Ability Order
Happy Hour (PASSIVE)
Gragas Passive Ability
This is a 100% power house build. Gragas has amazing burst potential and the capability to escape ganks quickly. With the ability to charge away quickly or through a wall to evade attacks or he can use his ult which has a low cool to get people away from him or to him or people away from an ally.
I chose these runes because gragas has large cool downs early game and I want to be able to put out as much damage as I can with my keg because they are easy to dodge and are expensive on mana so when they hit I like them to make it count so it is to cut down on their farm while allowing me to sit in melee range to get last hits.
I start with the dorans ring because it gives some mp5 as well as an extra 15 ap on top of the 20 you you will have from runes giving a total of 35 ap right at the start. Then into building sheen because once you have your charge you will want to be landing some combos and maximizing your damage when you attack an enemy. Then on to boots for the mobility to chase and the magic pen is awesome. Alot of people ask me why I build abyssal scepter because the range is so short, well if your landing your charge keg combos right you will be in range for that nice bonus you get from it, thus increasing your burst damage on that target. Then on to finishing out lich bane for that extra stats and speed increase for chasing someone down to get that one last keg off before they get away. Deathcap is a must thats a huge ap increase for some crazy damage. I recommend getting asap if your being fed. Then on to will of the ancients gives a nice ap boots to your allys and the spell vamp is nice because by this time you are taking out entire waves of creeps with one keg and its a nice little health bump especially if you get into a team fight and drop your ult and keg on the group is a nice heal. Any finally the hour class for that extra 100 ap and the ability to survive in some cases if you are low health and hit a shroom or have some ult coming at you with no way to escape.
I pick ignite because it does give you the extra 5 ap when on cd and ignite is just prime for finishing off someone who just barley gets away or those pesky heal spells. The flash is just amazing if your about to get ganked you can flash past that pesky stun/grab/snare then charge more biggest gap maker other then ahri, or for when your surrounded by people/creeps you flash out of them and then charge so your not stuck. Being 100% power house you will enjoy this survivability.
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