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Blitzcrank Build Guide by Pscho Add

Support The allmighty stackshank

Support The allmighty stackshank

Updated on December 21, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Pscho Add Build Guide By Pscho Add 5,799 Views 0 Comments
5,799 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Pscho Add Blitzcrank Build Guide By Pscho Add Updated on December 21, 2017
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this guide is more a trolltorial then an guide to realy play this champion but it still works. only play it ranked on ur own risk and when u want to show how mighty the stackshank is.
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the redbuff/bluebuff steal

first u have to go the brush behind the red or bluebuff (deciding what team u are). wait there till minute 1:35-1:45 ward it and then go back to ur lane. if u stay there because enemy team comes just ward it and run. when perfomed corectly u now should see the enemy jungler doing his buff. in that moment u sneak away from ur lane and wait in the brush from the red/blue buff.when u see he gets low life vs his buff u go in grab the jungler doing an ignite kill and steal the buff. at this time u run in ur jungle or lane deciding how much health u got and go back or doing towerr grab killz.
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the stacky laning

in the moment u see u got enough for ur Mejais soulstealer u go base and buy it. u do this with the tear 2. in lane u allways try to tower grab for an instant kill for ur stack items. u also can kill them without tower grabs because ur the mighty stackshank. if u see ur adc got enough kills u will take the kills to stack harder.
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the mighty stackshank in teamfights

in the moments of teamfights u mostly got all ur 25stacks on ur item. this is the moment where u decide of give kills to ur team or do easy stackshank pentakillz. i prefer doing pentakillz becuz stackshank pentas are the ultimate disrespekt.when the teamfights are won u use ur powerful E to instakill their towers.
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late/end game

u should never die with the stackshank becuz when u get cought or die ur stacks are gone and u do way less damage. as read in chapter 3 ur the ultimate pushing machine so doing backdoors should be no problem to end ur games fast.
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Pros and Cons

heavy damage
fun to play
ruin enemy jungle
easy kills on lane because ur dmg

they will say u troll
they will not understand ur mightyness
use it careful
when die with 20stacks ur not doin ur ''good'' dmg
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this is my stackshank guide i hope u like it and play it to have fun in ur games
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