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Jayce Build Guide by hjpunzalan

The BEST way to play Jayce

The BEST way to play Jayce

Updated on July 21, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hjpunzalan Build Guide By hjpunzalan 4,865 Views 0 Comments
4,865 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author hjpunzalan Jayce Build Guide By hjpunzalan Updated on July 21, 2012
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  • LoL Champion: Jayce
  • LoL Champion: Jayce


Under construction (school comes first and my first guide so dont judge me) But here's proof that this build works (please vote)
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I've tried numerous types of item build with Jayce to achieve his maximum potential. I've tried playing him as an ad burst, ad carry, ad tank dps and even support lol. Like other fighter type champions, Jayce shines in early-mid game yet have trouble dealing damage and be tanky at the same time in late game. So I decided I'll build him as a hybrid tanky dps like Udyr.

Early Game

Regrowth Pendant is your best item for sustainability with Jayce. In early game you want to concentrate on farming and harassing your enemy with your E-Q cannon form combo. Regrowth Pendant will give you the necessary HP Regen needed whilst your W ability will give you the needed Mana.
Philosopher's stone

Rush to these bad boys as fast as you can because they are going to be one of your main source of income. They also aid you quite greatly for survivability in early game which is what you need because Jayce damage is already intimimdating. Sell Philosopher's Stone when it has harvest gold combined with its selling price greater than its value.

Choose Mercury's Treads if the enemy has a heavy CC team, heavy ap nuker or 3 people with ability power. Pick Ninja Tabi if the enemy team has a heavy ad dps team, Master Yi and Tryndamere.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author hjpunzalan
hjpunzalan Jayce Guide
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The BEST way to play Jayce

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