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These are going to be the things that we are going to be looking through ideally with this review.
STRUCTURE: Overall just how things are structured. Tables, Columns, etc.
CONSISTENCY: Overall how often you keep your themes accurate and similar to each other.
INCLUDINGS: Things that I may want to see in your guide that isn't there already.
MY CONCERNS: This being things not already spoken about, Ideally too much added filler (things that make no sense.)
This section of ones guide as you know should be both detailed and easy to read without being too overwhelming.
Your cheat sheet section is a tad bit confusing. You start out well and then become a little bit overwhelming. Ideally you'd want to tidy this up a bit, so people can take a quick glimpse and read things / view things quickly.
Mid-Game "Requirements" sounds a bit demanding. Why not "Mythic Choices" followed by each of them being in their respective sections talking more about them individually?
Followed by your build order Kindlegem or Legion, when to decide which Mythic to go into by decision making, etc.
Overall, this is a really nice way to format things. It'll be up to you if you decide to make those changes.
As you may know this next section is the "cheat sheet" portion of the guide right below items and runes.
While you do yes have matchup information, a quick list of champions and their threats wouldn't hurt to add, for ease of access as there are plenty of readers that don't read. They simply scroll, items, runes and quick information. Adding some actual detail to some of them would benefit you and the reader.
Unhookable poke bleh...
Rephrased: Ezreal has the ability to blink to a nearby location, making it very hard to actually land a hook. If you do try to focus him, it would be better to bait or wait out his blink to try and hook him. You could force him to flash even if you don't hook him, you lower his mobility for later.
You have a lot of things going on, some text is centered, some text is columned, some sections are centered left, you get the idea. Try to find a nice middle man style you can go for consistently.
I would suggest taking off the center code for a lot of it and just make it look nice and even all throughout with a bit of code here and there to make it not just a wall of text for some sections.
I usually add in a consistency section, but that falls in line with this above message.
Again, it's your choice to make these changes to make your guide more consistent and interesting to read.
Your guide is pretty bare, missing a lot of structure / style. Once again, a few adjustments here and there can help you make these things stick out less and become more of a smooth transition into one another.
Blitzcrank JNG hasn't been preforming all that well since the first few weeks of his adjustment, where he was dominating for a while because people really didn't know how to deal with him effectively.
Now he has died down a lot in popularity and also in static win rates of around 40%.
Personally I'd say, don't keep the guide up if the idea is to play rank, for normal fun games, sure why not. Nothing harmful ever happens in normal games right?
Don't punch me! ~Cat
First off all, thanks for the review, you can expect some changes already happening as soon as possible :).
I appreciate your time and most of these I will start to change over the next week.
The only thing I really am in disagreement on is the viability of blitz jungle :p
If you know what you can and cannot do as blitz you can really pop off on it.
If you want, check out my account on op.gg :)
Nevertheless I still am very appreciative of the help, and hope that over the next week or so I can see a second judgement :P.
With kind regards,
Evil Pythagoras
The concern is that less than 100 games is a relatively low percentage. It's like if I were to go right now and play Teemo in gold for 40 game it would be a 95% WR where as if I played him for over 200 games it may still hover around 90% win rate but that's only because I'm a better player than a gold player.
If I started to climb more into my ranks it would go back down to a 50 percent win rate.
I'm just saying that for general purposes blitzcrank Has Fallen from ranges of 40% winrates down to 25% when rate with a lot of games played.
Although I agree on my sample size being very small, I still can experience it's strength and can realistically rate it I would say...
Where do you get those stats from btw? op.gg does not give concrete winrates for blitz jungle.
Furthermore, I already totally revamped one of my chapters :D
Whatcha think of the new and improved ad/ap/tank section?
In regards to the change, it's better, but something I used to also do when I was getting into coding. It's better to keep it consistent instead of going back and forth with Icon left, Text right and then reversed.
People will instinctively look stage left and right more naturally than stage left to stage right and right to left and left to right. It feels awkward to read backwards if that makes sense.